varbinary types fail w/ mssql + pyodbc + NULL

Issue #3464 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

inserting a NULL into a VARBINARY requires that pyodbc.BinaryNull be used. mxodbc probably has something similar. The tests have been failing for a long time for this type since we added VARBINARY as a default type for LargeBinary in #3039. which makes this a regression since 0.9 isn't doing that.

Comments (3)

  1. Mike Bayer reporter
    • Fixed issue when using :class:.VARBINARY type in conjunction with an INSERT of NULL + pyodbc; pyodbc requires a special object be passed in order to persist NULL. As the :class:.VARBINARY type is now usually the default for :class:.LargeBinary due to 🎫3039, this issue is partially a regression in 1.0. The pymssql driver appears to be unaffected. fixes #3464

    → <<cset 78095940a437>>

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