Would it be possible to have association_proxy allow the 'info' param, similar to columns and relationships?

Issue #3551 resolved
Gerald Thibault created an issue

I realize this probably isn't feasible right now, but it seems like it could be implemented easily alongside issue #3423.

Comments (5)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • Added the :paramref:.AssociationProxy.info parameter to the :class:.AssociationProxy constructor, to suit the :attr:.AssociationProxy.info accessor that was added in 🎫2971. This is possible because :class:.AssociationProxy is constructed explicitly, unlike a hybrid which is constructed implicitly via the decorator syntax. fixes #3551

    → <<cset 9d08c6abc21d>>

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • Added the :paramref:.AssociationProxy.info parameter to the :class:.AssociationProxy constructor, to suit the :attr:.AssociationProxy.info accessor that was added in 🎫2971. This is possible because :class:.AssociationProxy is constructed explicitly, unlike a hybrid which is constructed implicitly via the decorator syntax. fixes #3551

    (cherry picked from commit 9d08c6abc21dcf3d832897d38aaba84aeaa14fa6)

    → <<cset b63229aebe8d>>

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