Improve docs for `contains_eager`

Issue #3563 resolved
Ian McCullough created an issue

It took me a really long time to discover, and then figure out how to use contains_eager for the use case of:

Load entity A (which has a to-many relationship to B) populating its list of Bs with the subset of related Bs that meet a certain filter criteria.

The existing docs for contains_eager don't express well its applicability for this goal, and neither of the examples show any filtering. The closest they come is:

The above query would join from the Order entity to its related User entity, and the returned Order objects would have the Order.user attribute pre-populated.

It took me a long time to figure out how this was different from joinedload and to understand that it could filter relationship collections. Even just a trivial example that showed a filter on the related entity (and how the resulting graph would look different than it would without contains_eager) would go a long way. Thanks!

Comments (5)

  1. Ian McCullough reporter

    Yes, I've seen and read that. I just went back and re-read both sections again, very slowly and deliberately, and knowing what I know now, I can see how maybe, if I really, really stretch, I might have been able to infer the behavior of the "subset of Bs" case, but it's definitely not clear. I really think it would be far more explicit and readily grasp-able with an example that explicitly includes filtering. If it helps, I cooked up this example that, had I seen it, would have instantly made clear the "subset of Bs" case:

    from sqlalchemy import *
    from sqlalchemy import event
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
    from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker, contains_eager, joinedload
    engine = create_engine('sqlite://')
    Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
    session = Session()
    Base = declarative_base()
    class User(Base):
        __tablename__ = "user"
        id = Column('user_id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
        name = Column('user_name', String(64), nullable=False)
        nicknames = relationship('Nickname', backref="user", cascade="all, delete-orphan")
    class Nickname(Base):
        __tablename__ = "nicknames"
        id = Column('nick_id', Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
        user_id = Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey("user.user_id"), nullable=False)
        nickname = Column('nickname', String(64), nullable=False)
    # Populate the tables...
    mrt = User(name="Lawrence Tureaud", nicknames=[Nickname(nickname="Mr. T"),
                                                   Nickname(nickname="B.A. Baracus"),
                                                   Nickname(nickname="Clubber Lang")])
    # Track the number of queries for each approach...
    num_queries = 0
    def increment(*_):
        global num_queries
        num_queries += 1
    event.listen(engine, "before_cursor_execute", increment)
    # Demonstrate no hints...
    misters = session.query(User). \
        join(User.nicknames). \
    print "With no loading hints, the user record has %d nicknames (%s), and executed %d queries to load." % \
          (len(misters[0].nicknames), ', '.join(x.nickname for x in misters[0].nicknames), num_queries)
    # Prints: With no loading hints, the user record has 3 nicknames (Mr. T, B.A. Baracus, Clubber Lang),
    #         and executed 2 queries to load.
    num_queries = 0
    # Demonstrate joinedload...
    misters = session.query(User). \
        join(User.nicknames). \
        options(joinedload(User.nicknames)). \
    print "With joinedload, the user record has %d nicknames (%s), and executed %d queries to load." % \
          (len(misters[0].nicknames), ', '.join(x.nickname for x in misters[0].nicknames), num_queries)
    # Prints: With joinedload, the user record has 3 nicknames (B.A. Baracus, Clubber Lang, Mr. T),
    #         and executed 1 queries to load.
    num_queries = 0
    # Demonstrate contains_eager...
    misters = session.query(User). \
        join(User.nicknames). \
        options(contains_eager(User.nicknames)). \
    print "With contains_eager, the user record has %d nicknames (%s), and executed %d queries to load." % \
          (len(misters[0].nicknames), ', '.join(x.nickname for x in misters[0].nicknames), num_queries)
    # Prints: With contains_eager, the user record has 1 nicknames (Mr. T),
    #         and executed 1 queries to load.
    num_queries = 0
  2. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • add documentation that describes, then proceeds to warn about the many caveats and confusing effects of, the popular approach of using contains_eager() to alter the natural result of a related collection. I'm not a fan of this technique as it changes the semantics of a relationship in such a way that the rest of the ORM isn't aware of and it also can be undone very easily; hence the section needs as much text for warnings as for describing the technique itself. fixes #3563

    → <<cset 1dc805dd4d90>>

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • add documentation that describes, then proceeds to warn about the many caveats and confusing effects of, the popular approach of using contains_eager() to alter the natural result of a related collection. I'm not a fan of this technique as it changes the semantics of a relationship in such a way that the rest of the ORM isn't aware of and it also can be undone very easily; hence the section needs as much text for warnings as for describing the technique itself. fixes #3563

    (cherry picked from commit 1dc805dd4d902b9204703f0bd6151c58f1f287af)

    → <<cset 423697dea60c>>

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