with_parent() doesnt work w/ aliased class

Issue #3607 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

continuation of #3606

this would need a lot more tinkering with the with_parent constructs

+    @testing.fails("")
+    def test_select_from_alias(self):
+        User, Address = self.classes.User, self.classes.Address
+        sess = create_session()
+        u1 = sess.query(User).get(7)
+        a1 = aliased(Address)
+        q = sess.query(a1).with_parent(u1)
+        self.assert_compile(
+            q,
+            "SELECT addresses_1.id AS addresses_1_id, "
+            "addresses_1.user_id AS addresses_1_user_id, "
+            "addresses_1.email_address AS addresses_1_email_address "
+            "FROM addresses AS addresses_1 "
+            "WHERE :param_1 = addresses_1.user_id",
+            {'param_1': 7}
+        )

Comments (2)

  1. Mike Bayer reporter

    Add clause adaptation for AliasedClass to with_parent()

    Fixed bug where :meth:.Query.with_parent would not work if the :class:.Query were against an :func:.aliased construct rather than a regular mapped class. Also adds a new parameter :paramref:.util.with_parent.from_entity to the standalone :func:.util.with_parent function as well as :meth:.Query.with_parent.

    Change-Id: Ic684dd63cc90b582c7580c9bba3c92fa3f286da7 Fixes: #3607

    → <<cset 1c692f019b16>>

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