ImmutableColumnCollection creates a separate _col_set on getstate

Issue #3632 resolved
n1ywb created an issue

Testcase: https

If you comment out the pickling line, it works. Otherwise, it fails with

sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not locate any simple equality expressions involving locally mapped foreign key columns for primary join condition ' = site.server' on relationship Site.server_.  Ensure that referencing columns are associated with a ForeignKey or ForeignKeyConstraint, or are annotated in the join condition with the foreign() annotation. To allow comparison operators other than '==', the relationship can be marked as viewonly=True.

The only difference it makes is whether or not the metadata has been pickled.

You can also make it work by commenting out the class declarations but I thought automap was supposed to permit you to gracefully override reflected metadata, even if it's been pickled.

Python 2.7.11 SQLAlchemy==1.0.10 PyMySQL==0.6.7

Thanks, Jeff

Comments (7)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    here's simplification one:

    import pickle
    from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Column, Integer
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
    from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
    from sqlalchemy.orm import configure_mappers
    from sqlalchemy import Table, ForeignKey
    metadata = MetaData()
        'server', metadata,
        Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True))
        'site', metadata,
        Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
        Column('server_id', ForeignKey('')))
    m2 = metadata
    metadata = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(m2))
    Base = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)
    Base.__table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}
    class Server(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'server'
        id = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
        sites = relationship("Site")
    class Site(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'site'
        id = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)

    then here's more specifically:

    from sqlalchemy import Table, MetaData, Integer, Column
    m = MetaData()
    a = Table(
        'a', m, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
    import pickle
    m = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(m))
    a = m.tables['a']
    new_c = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
    print "-----------------"
    assert new_c.table is a
    assert is new_c
    assert a.c.contains_column(new_c)

    and the fix is not 100% backwards compatible, as it requires changing the pickle format of either ColumnCollection or ImmutableColumnCollection. Here's the better version:

    diff --git a/lib/sqlalchemy/sql/ b/lib/sqlalchemy/sql/
    index eed0792..cace0dc 100644
    --- a/lib/sqlalchemy/sql/
    +++ b/lib/sqlalchemy/sql/
    @@ -592,15 +592,18 @@ class ColumnCollection(util.OrderedProperties):
             return col in self._all_col_set
         def as_immutable(self):
    -        return ImmutableColumnCollection(
    -            self._data, self._all_col_set, self._all_columns)
    +        return ImmutableColumnCollection(self)
     class ImmutableColumnCollection(util.ImmutableProperties, ColumnCollection):
    -    def __init__(self, data, colset, all_columns):
    -        util.ImmutableProperties.__init__(self, data)
    -        object.__setattr__(self, '_all_col_set', colset)
    -        object.__setattr__(self, '_all_columns', all_columns)
    +    def __init__(self, source):
    +        object.__setattr__(self, '_source', source)
    +        util.ImmutableProperties.__init__(self, source._data)
    +        object.__setattr__(self, '_all_col_set', source._all_col_set)
    +        object.__setattr__(self, '_all_columns', source._all_columns)
    +    def __reduce__(self):
    +        return (ImmutableColumnCollection, (self._source, ))
         extend = remove = util.ImmutableProperties._immutable

    a workaround for your immediate case is:

    metadata = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(m2))
    for t in metadata.tables.values():
        del t.__dict__['columns']

    can you wait til 1.1? it won't be for months.

  2. n1ywb reporter

    Hi Mike,

    I added the workaround to my project and it works perfectly, I can now load my serialized metadata. I'm all set for now.

    Thanks so much for the quick response! Jeff

  3. Mike Bayer repo owner

    I do think I can make a fix that works this out for 1.0, basically not using the column set anymore as it doesn't seem to be needed

  4. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • rework ColumnCollection to no longer persist "all_col_set"; we don't need this collection except in the extend/update uses where we create it ad-hoc. simplifies pickling. Compatibility with 1.0 should be OK as ColumnColleciton uses getstate in any case and the setstate contract hasn't changed.
    • Fixed bug in :class:.Table metadata construct which appeared around the 0.9 series where adding columns to a :class:.Table that was unpickled would fail to correctly establish the :class:.Column within the 'c' collection, leading to issues in areas such as ORM configuration. This could impact use cases such as extend_existing and others. fixes #3632

    → <<cset 8163de4cc9e0>>

  5. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • rework ColumnCollection to no longer persist "all_col_set"; we don't need this collection except in the extend/update uses where we create it ad-hoc. simplifies pickling. Compatibility with 1.0 should be OK as ColumnColleciton uses getstate in any case and the setstate contract hasn't changed.
    • Fixed bug in :class:.Table metadata construct which appeared around the 0.9 series where adding columns to a :class:.Table that was unpickled would fail to correctly establish the :class:.Column within the 'c' collection, leading to issues in areas such as ORM configuration. This could impact use cases such as extend_existing and others. fixes #3632

    (cherry picked from commit 8163de4cc9e01460d3476b9fb3ed14a5b3e70bae)

    → <<cset c7ddf26dd22a>>

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