deprecate and remove old "scope=None" logic for scoped_session()

Issue #3796 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

some old cruft that should be removed in within scoped_session call(), source is very old commit b8b51fe4379936fe142c875ea0f17da14a12c27d. nevertheless, this is non-underscored so someone might be using it.

Comments (2)

  1. Mike Bayer reporter

    googling and looking in stackoverflow reveals that even very old tutorials regarding scoped_session() make no mention of this keyword, which appears to never have been documented. going to remove it in 1.2.

  2. Mike Bayer reporter

    Remove "scope" keyword from

    Removed a very old keyword argument from :class:.scoped_session called scope. This keyword was never documented and was an early attempt at allowing for variable scopes.

    Change-Id: I9a26498a1a66d1eafb0723e98b527688a60f9d9b Fixes: #3796

    → <<cset 1a08c41048ef>>

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