Unescaped single quote in server_default (for MySQL at least)

Issue #3809 resolved
Alex Hall created an issue

The following code:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, Column, String, MetaData
from sqlalchemy.sql.ddl import CreateTable

engine = create_engine('mysql://businessoptics:businessoptics@mysql.businessoptics.dev/data')
print CreateTable(Table('mytable',

produces this invalid output:

CREATE TABLE mytable (
    mycolumn VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'a'b'

In this case it's a SQL syntax error, but it could also lead to SQL injection.

Comments (6)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • changed component to sql
    • changed milestone to 1.1

    I don't agree that this should be treated as traditional SQL injection (eg requiring backports, breaking application working around this on a point release). Creation of tables via DDL is not a pathway that is normally exposed to untrusted users, any more than is connection.execute().

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    Escape literal string values passed to server_default

    A string sent as a column default via the :paramref:.Column.server_default parameter is now escaped for quotes.

    This change is backwards compatible with code that may have been working around this previously.

    Change-Id: I341298a76cc67bc0a53df4ab51ab9379f2294cdd Fixes: #3809

    → <<cset 079df65dc0f7>>

  3. Alex Hall reporter

    This change is backwards compatible with code that may have been working around this previously.

    You said the opposite here. Typo?

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