Postgres multi-value insert fails with on_conflict statement

Issue #3828 resolved
Basti created an issue

When creating a (postgres specific) insert statement for a table with a enum typed column, the compilation of the statement fails if the enum-column is used in the on_conflict where-condition.

Minimal Example:

import sqlalchemy as _sa
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql as t
from st.db.schema import PrimaryKey as PrimaryKey

test_table = _sa.Table(u'test_table', _sa.MetaData(),
    _sa.Column('id', t.INTEGER, nullable=False, autoincrement=False),
    _sa.Column('state', t.ENUM(u'1st', u'2nd', u'3rd'), nullable=False),


PG_INSERT = t.insert

values = [dict(id=100, state=u'1st'),
          dict(id=200, state=u'1st')]

stmt = PG_INSERT(test_table, values)

stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(
    where=(stmt.excluded.state == '2nd')

# Fails with 'sqlalchemy.exc.CompileError: Bind parameter '%(4378430864 state)s'
# conflicts with unique bind parameter of the same name'

If instead of a list of values, a single dict is used in the insert() call everything is compiled correctly. Also multi-values work if the where-condition is replaced with any other (non-enum) column.

Comments (8)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    hi -

    thanks for the great test case! It does reproduce for me but Enum is not needed. If I just change the type to String I still get the error. Also I don't know what st.db.schema.PrimaryKey is but replacing that with PrimaryKeyConstraint seems to maintain.

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    also, this is not too mysterious. Without the on conflict it wants to do this:

    INSERT INTO test_table (id, state) VALUES (%(id_0)s, %(state_0)s), (%(id_1)s, %(state_1)s)

    and the ON CONFLICT it wants to do this:

    INSERT INTO test_table (id, state) VALUES (%(id)s, %(state)s) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET id = %(param_1)s WHERE excluded.state = %(state_1)s

    that is, INSERT .. VALUES is not well designed to accept a WHERE clause as well.

  3. Basti reporter

    Sorry for the primary-key import issue, forgot to clean up one of the production imports.

    As it is not working for INSERT ... VALUES either, I assume there's no easy workaround for now?

  4. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • changed milestone to 1.1.x

    it is actually a conflict of the "anonymous" parameter of the WHERE clause that wants to substitute state_1 at the end, and the "multi valued insert" which is interestingly not using anonymous parameters, just hardcoding <name>_<counter>.

  5. Mike Bayer repo owner

    dont use insert.values(), just pass the list of parameters to execute() to do an executemany.

  6. Mike Bayer repo owner

    Add a qualifying character to multi INSERT..VALUES parameter names

    Changed the naming convention used when generating bound parameters for a multi-VALUES insert statement, so that the numbered parameter names don't conflict with the anonymized parameters of a WHERE clause, as is now common in a PostgreSQL ON CONFLICT construct.

    Change-Id: I3188d100fe4d322a47d344d6a63d3e40b915f228 Fixes: #3828

    → <<cset f917b353e88a>>

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