failing insert from select when sequence present

Issue #3877 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue
from sqlalchemy import *

m = MetaData()

t1 = Table(
    't', m,
    Column('id', Integer, Sequence('id_seq'), primary_key=True),
    Column('data', String)

t2 = Table(
    't2', m,
    Column('id', Integer),
    Column('data', String)

stmt = t1.insert().from_select(('data', ), select([]))

from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
print stmt.compile(dialect=postgresql.dialect())

sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: This Sequence cannot be used directly as a column expression.  Use func.next_value(sequence) to produce a 'next value' function that's usable as a column element.

Comments (1)

  1. Mike Bayer reporter

    Call nextval() on sequence when doing INSERT from SELECT

    Fixed bug where an INSERT from SELECT where the source table contains an autoincrementing Sequence would fail to compile correctly.

    Change-Id: I41eb9f65789a4007712ae61ed5fa23a9839a5128 Fixes: #3877

    → <<cset d5bb919aa6d5>>

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