Eager loading does incorrect join on self-referential polymorphic relationship

Issue #3893 resolved
Jack Zhou created an issue

For the following models:

class Foo(Base):
    __tablename__ = "foo"
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    type = Column(String)

    foo_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("foo.id"))
    foo = relationship(lambda: Foo, foreign_keys=foo_id, remote_side=id)

    __mapper_args__ = {
        "polymorphic_on": type,
        "polymorphic_identity": "foo",

class Bar(Foo):
    __mapper_args__ = {
        "polymorphic_identity": "bar",

And the following app code:

I = with_polymorphic(Foo, "*", aliased=True)
attr1 = Foo.foo.of_type(I)
attr2 = I.foo
session.query(Foo).options(subqueryload(attr1), subqueryload(attr1, attr2)).all()

The main query and the first subquery are correct, but the third contains an extra cross join:

SELECT foo.id AS foo_id_1, foo.type AS foo_type, foo.foo_id AS foo_foo_id, foo_1.foo_id AS foo_1_foo_id 
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT foo.foo_id AS foo_foo_id 
FROM foo, foo AS foo_1) AS anon_1 JOIN foo AS foo_1 ON foo_1.id = anon_1.foo_foo_id JOIN foo ON foo.id = foo_1.foo_id ORDER BY foo_1.foo_id

This used to work on 0.9.4:

SELECT foo.id AS foo_id_1, foo.type AS foo_type, foo.foo_id AS foo_foo_id, foo_1.foo_id AS foo_1_foo_id 
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT foo.foo_id AS foo_foo_id 
FROM foo) AS anon_1 JOIN foo AS foo_1 ON foo_1.id = anon_1.foo_foo_id JOIN foo ON foo.id = foo_1.foo_id ORDER BY foo_1.foo_id

But maybe the incantation I'm using is wrong.

Comments (5)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    you're not doing anything wrong at all, other than combining all the worst nightmare features of the ORM for me to debug at the same time :)

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner
    • changed milestone to 1.1.x
    • changed component to orm

    this bug was introduced in 1.0.x but I'm trying to stop putting out 1.0.x releases for most things, this would be targeted at 1.1.6. hope that's OK.

  3. Jack Zhou reporter

    Thanks for the quick response! It's completely fine with me if it goes out in 1.1.6. I can even use master in the meantime. I don't imagine too many people are hitting this issue if it went unnoticed since 0.9.7, heh :)

  4. Mike Bayer repo owner

    Dont set _set_select_from() for alias object

    Fixed bug first introduced in 0.9.7 as a result of 🎫3106 which would cause an incorrect query in some forms of multi-level subqueryload against aliased entities, with an unnecessary extra FROM entity in the innermost subquery.

    Fixes: #3893

    Change-Id: Ic4003c2c1c0206bd22a098fd497a7375c2758305

    → <<cset 4ae02f46e944>>

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