Enum validation documentation misleading

Issue #3904 resolved
Thomi Richards created an issue

The docs for the Enum type's validate_strings' parameter say:

"when True, invalid string values will be validated and not be allowed to pass through."

I understood this to mean that if I create a class like so:

class ChannelMapStatus(enum.Enum):

    released = 'released'
    superseded = 'superseded'
    deleted = 'deleted'

# The object class

class MyClass(db.Model):

    __tablename__ = 'test'

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)

    status = db.Column(db.Enum(ChannelMapStatus, validate_strings=True))

I expect this to error:

channel = MyClass(status='wibble')

However, after inspecting the Enum type, I can see that the validate_strings parameter is only ever used when reading from the database, and is not used when constructing a new class instance.

Probably this is just a documentation update. I suggest something like:

"when True, invalid string values read from the database will be validated and not be allowed to pass through."

...or similar

Comments (2)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    it's on both the read side and the write side - "pass through" == "pass through to the database", does that help?

    s = Session(e)
    channel = MyClass(status='wibble')


    sqlalchemy.exc.StatementError: (builtins.LookupError) "wibble" is not among the defined enum values [SQL: 'INSERT INTO test (status) VALUES (?)'] [parameters: [{'status': 'wibble'}]]

    All SQLAlchemy types do their validation at the point of database communication, this is not specific to the Enum type. The chapter on types at http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/type_basics.html doesn't have a great focus on this as a topic, though, so that could be improved.

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