schema_translate_map is running on aliases

Issue #3924 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

Not sure how nobody noticed this, guess the feature hasn't seen any real use yet:

diff --git a/test/sql/ b/test/sql/
index e7504a7..a3311f8 100644
--- a/test/sql/
+++ b/test/sql/
@@ -3406,6 +3406,26 @@ class SchemaTest(fixtures.TestBase, AssertsCompiledSQL):

+    def test_schema_translate_aliases(self):
+        schema_translate_map = {None: 'bar'}
+        alias = table1.alias()
+        stmt = select([
+            table2, alias
+        ]).select_from(table2.join(alias, table2.c.otherid == alias.c.myid)).\
+        where( == 'foo')
+        self.assert_compile(
+            stmt,
+            "SELECT bar.myothertable.otherid, bar.myothertable.othername, "
+            "mytable_1.myid,, mytable_1.description "
+            "FROM bar.myothertable JOIN bar.mytable AS mytable_1 "
+            "ON bar.myothertable.otherid = mytable_1.myid "
+            "WHERE = :name_1",
+            schema_translate_map=schema_translate_map
+        )
     def test_schema_translate_crud(self):
         schema_translate_map = {"remote_owner": "foob", None: 'bar'}

Comments (2)

  1. Mike Bayer reporter

    Only use schema_translate_map on SchemaItem subclasses

    Fixed bug in new "schema translate" feature where the translated schema name would be invoked in terms of an alias name when rendered along with a column expression; occurred only when the source translate name was "None". The "schema translate" feature now only takes effect for :class:.SchemaItem and :class:.SchemaType subclasses, that is, objects that correspond to a DDL-creatable structure in a database.

    Change-Id: Ie8cb35aeaba2c67efec8c8c57c219e4dd346e44a Fixes: #3924

    → <<cset b4e880534e1e>>

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