with_variant with dialect type and parameters doesn't work when query.

Issue #3952 resolved
Isaku Yamahata created an issue

The following code snipet doesn't work as expected from sqlalchemy 1.1.5 The cultprit is the change set of df9b6492e5ca47e26d539d2283fa816a2d5c8ad6 change-id of I7b7b45d604a4ae8d1dc236a5a1248695aab5232e https://bitbucket.org/zzzeek/sqlalchemy/commits/df9b6492e5ca

import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy.dialects import sqlite

class Data(Base): created_at = sa.Column( sa.DateTime().with_variant( sqlite.DATETIME(truncate_microseconds=True), 'sqlite'), server_default=sa.func.now())

insert row and query based on created_at doesn't work as expected.

row = Data() session.add(row) session.flush()

rows = sessio.query(data.created_at).all() row = rows[0]

query by created_at

found = sessoin.squery(Data).filer(Data.created_at == row.created_at).all()

found should include added row. but after the change set pointed above, found is empty list.

by setting engine.echo=True, the following was gotten. SELECT Data.created_at AS Data_created_at WHERE Data.created_at = ? 2017-03-31 17:42:51,951 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.sqlite@vgluzzatoz ('2017-04-01 00:42:45.000000',) ('2017-04-01 00:42:45.000000',)

please notice the it includes microseconds as ".000000" even with truncate_microseconds=True

sqlite.DATETIME(truncate_micorseconds=True) should be used when bind_processor() is called, but plain DateTime is used. This is because of type_api.Variant.coerce_compared_value ignores dialects.

Comments (6)

  1. Mike Bayer repo owner

    Return self when Variant.coerce_compared_value would return impl

    Fixed regression released in 1.1.5 due to 🎫3859 where adjustments to the "right-hand-side" evaluation of an expression based on :class:.Variant to honor the underlying type's "right-hand-side" rules caused the :class:.Variant type to be inappropriately lost, in those cases when we do want the left-hand side type to be transferred directly to the right hand side so that bind-level rules can be applied to the expression's argument.

    Change-Id: Ia54dbbb19398549d654b74668753c4152599d900 Fixes: #3952

    → <<cset 6d7d48af0dec>>

  2. Mike Bayer repo owner

    Return self when Variant.coerce_compared_value would return impl

    Fixed regression released in 1.1.5 due to 🎫3859 where adjustments to the "right-hand-side" evaluation of an expression based on :class:.Variant to honor the underlying type's "right-hand-side" rules caused the :class:.Variant type to be inappropriately lost, in those cases when we do want the left-hand side type to be transferred directly to the right hand side so that bind-level rules can be applied to the expression's argument.

    Change-Id: Ia54dbbb19398549d654b74668753c4152599d900 Fixes: #3952 (cherry picked from commit 6d7d48af0dec6325f87ce497f769827107ad5035)

    → <<cset 6896d2bb4753>>

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