mainstream the "baked" lazyloader

Issue #3954 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue

looking to use "baked" for the two "IN" loaders, this should be mainstreamed in LazyLoader as well. no issues have been reported over the past year so it's time to see if this really holds up.

Comments (1)

  1. Mike Bayer reporter

    Use baked lazyloading by default

    The lazy="select" loader strategy now makes used of the :class:.BakedQuery query caching system in all cases. This removes most overhead of generating a :class:.Query object and running it into a and then string SQL statement from the process of lazy-loading related collections and objects. The "baked" lazy loader has also been improved such that it can now cache in most cases where query load options are used.

    Change-Id: Ic96792fffaa045ae9aa0a4657d6d29235d3efb85 Fixes: #3954

    → <<cset b7644319e85c>>

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