ancient mysql utc_timestamp rule seems unnecessary

Issue #3966 resolved
Mike Bayer repo owner created an issue



commit a21dc3d
Author: Mike Bayer
Date: Wed Sep 10 21:09:04 2008 +0000

- the function func.utc_timestamp() compiles to UTC_TIMESTAMP, without
the parenthesis, which seem to get in the way when using in
conjunction with executemany().

we have a hardcoded UTC_TIMESTAMP render that seems unnecessary and gets in the way of parameters like fsp. the ancient assertion that this "gets in the way with executemany()" must be tested. It would only be some ancient mysqldb driver issue at best.

Comments (2)

  1. Mike Bayer reporter

    Remove MySQL UTC_TIMESTAMP rule

    Removed an ancient and unnecessary intercept of the UTC_TIMESTAMP MySQL function, which was getting in the way of using it with a parameter.

    Change-Id: I6e6b52c051418bcb9d31987e78299310810cb78d Fixes: #3966

    → <<cset c0b85ad6ad1d>>

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