
Clone wiki

ART / Pipeline


The processing pipeline in ART

Module Color space Notes
Flat field RAW
Dark frame RAW
RAW black points RAW
Vignetting correction RAW
Hot/dead pixel filter RAW
Green equlibration/line noise filter RAW
RAW CA correction RAW
Film negative RAW
Demosaic RAW
Highlight recovery Camera
White balance/White point Camera
Spot removal Camera
Input color profile Camera from Camera to Linear RGB working space
Denoise Linear RGB Gamma controlled by the user
Dehaze Linear RGB
Dynamic range compression Linear RGB
Lens/geometry corrections Linear RGB
Channel mixer Linear RGB
Exposure compensation Linear RGB
HSL equalizer Linear RGB
Tone equalizer Linear RGB Short description here
Sharpening Linear RGB
Impulse denoise Linear RGB
Defringe Linear RGB
Color correction Linear RGB
Smoothing Linear RGB
Gradient/vignette filter Linear RGB
Texture boost Linear RGB Short description here
Log encoding Linear RGB Short description here
Saturation/vibrance Linear RGB
Tone curve Linear RGB bounded Also DCP look table (if selected)
Film simulation RGB Linear unbounded for CLF LUTs, Bounded with gamma depending on the LUT (typically 2.2) for HaldCLUTs
RGB curves Linear RGB bounded
LAB adjustments LAB
Soft light RGB gamma 2.2 bounded
Local contrast LAB
Black and white RGB gamma 2.2 bounded Gamma 2.2 used for tint, otherwise user controllable
Film grain LAB
Post-resize sharpening Linear RGB
Output color profile Linear RGB working to output RGB
