some models comes with cloudy materials around mesh

Issue #1583 resolved
vnrk created an issue

i guess theres something with the textures , but dunno what to do to eliminate this greyish cloudy effect surrounding

not all but some particular ones shows this in eevee, seems fine in cycles i suppose

theres a sample file i attached how it looks in viewport,

can someone guide me a method ty in advance

Comments (24)

  1. Alessandro Padovani

    Tried your settings and everything works fine here. Please upload a test scene as simple as possible, and/or describe the exact steps to reproduce the issue. Try to use the standard packs. If you use content other than the standard packs then provide a link to the product page.

    Of course be sure to update to the dev version or later and do a clean install.

  2. vnrk reporter

    to make things simple i deleted unnecessary props, only a modified gen8.1 figure with random hair and the materials that causes the problem

    however the duf file, i guess this probably require sources what i used so i also uploaded a converted .dbz in case, not sure any these two will regenerate.

  3. vnrk reporter

    i aslo noticed the particular scenes(of course the scene 11 i just uploaded) that causes those cloudy auras around have the node tree attatched to the output,

    in other words figures which dont have those nodes seems to be fine .

    so perhaps it could be a simple walkaround to get rid of those nodes but not sure.. not much experience yet and i have no idea those nodes functionally works

  4. Alessandro Padovani
    • changed status to open

    Yes that is a bug and I can see what it is. I'll do a test scene for Thomas to fix it.

    Meanwhile you can delete the volume nodes as you noted.

  5. Alessandro Padovani

    daz studio, blender 3.5.1, diffeomorphic

    @Thomas Larsson Ok here it is the test scene no-volume.duf. It includes uber and pbrskin objects. The culprit is that the volume node is generated in blender even if it is not used in iray. That is, in iray the volume is only visible if there's translucency or refraction. I will do a more extensive test scene to check all material types with all shaders. But for now the equation below is good to avoid generating volume when not needed. That works for all material modes and shaders.

    Note that the single principled mode is immune from this bug because it doesn't support volume by definition.


    1. import the test scene no-volume.duf and check the materials, try both bsdf and extended principled

    # iray volume is only visible if there's translucency or refraction
    # note that pbrskin doesn't have refraction
    if shader == uber
        if translucency weight == 0 and refraction weight == 0
            # there's no volume, do not generate the volume node
    if shader == pbrskin
        if translucency weight == 0
            # there's no volume, do not generate the volume node

  6. vnrk reporter

    FOA ths for the followup :)

    ive tested the sample scene uve just provided, same issue repeats to both objects and yes the volume node automatically generated when i launched the addon in default settings(extended) and BSDF

    the overall note trees of the two are slightly different but anyways same issue to both due to that volume node

    whreas when executed in single principled the volume node seems to be suppressed

  7. vnrk reporter

    not sure if i understand properly, the “trans weight” and “refraction weight” option in daz are set to 0.00 but when converted to blender the volume nodes unideally pops in and makes the issue ?

  8. jeroen b

    vnrk; as Alessandro said, the issue is caused by a bug in the node setup for Thomas to fix. In the meantime you get rid of the annoying cloud by going into the eevee render properties and under “volumetrics” set start and end both to zero. This causes the generic volume cloud to become invisible.

  9. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The extra volume nodes should be gone now. The code that checked for volume and translucency was quite messy and spread out over several places. I have cleaned it up and hope that this didn’t introduce any new bugs.

  10. Alessandro Padovani

    Commit 3d5581c fixed the issue thank you for the fast work.

    As for the volume code being “messy”, how iray handles volume is messy too so I wouldn’t be surprised. The pseudo code I added above is a extra condition to be added at the end of the chain to cleanup eventual leftovers. I trust you did fine and we’ll report eventual regressions apart.

  11. vnrk reporter

    jeroen b thanks for sharing ur knowledge

    tho i wonder why those two parameters cant be decreased less than 0.000001m but anyways the volume controls seems to get rid of

  12. vnrk reporter

    and thanks again for the effort i seriously appriciate it

    so then.. i guess i have to redownload the hotfix?

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