possible solutions for hair dynamics

Issue #1652 duplicate
Alessandro Padovani created an issue

daz studio, blender 3.6.0, diffeomorphic

This is related to #978 where we see that resize hair can’t be used if we want to use dynamics. Below there’s a bug report explaining the issue. In short we can’t use cut and a possible solution is to use a hair length texture instead.


If this is hard to implement, a possible workaround would be to implement a tool to copy the dynamic settings of the selected particle system to all the other particle systems in the object. Otherwise we have to set it up for every particle system though there are presets. This would at least help to setup dynamics with lots of particle systems, which happens if we can’t use resize.

Please note that hair dynamics is particularly important for dforce hair and especially for body hair in daz animals.

Comments (3)

  1. Thomas Larsson repo owner

    The Update Hair tool already exists. It copies most settings, including hair dynamics, from the active particle system to the other systems. The tooltip could be clearer, though. https://bitbucket.org/Diffeomorphic/import_daz/wiki/Setup/Hair/Update Hair

    I don’t see how hair textures can be used. The plugin sets the coordinates for all points on all strands. The coordinates could be normalized so all strands have the same length, but how do we associate strands with the texture. Strands with different length could start at the same point on the skull (or off the skull). And I don’t know how to create the textures from the hair data.

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