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import_daz / Setup / Visibility / Add Shapekey Visibility Drivers

Add Shapekey Visibility Drivers

The purpose of this tool is to connect certain shapekey values to the visibility of some clothes, so the shapekeys are turned off when the piece of clothing is visible. In order for this tool to work we must already have added visibility drivers.

drive nipples.png

We want to suppress Aiko's nipples when she is wearing her sports bra, and reveal them when she has taken the bra off.


With the bra selected and the body active, press Make Shapekey Visibility Drivers.


Now select the shapekeys that should be driven by the bra visibility, i.e. the nipples morph.


When the sports bra is visible the nipples morph is set to zero,


and when the bra is hidden the nipples are turned on.
