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Steam Backup Tool / ChangeList

+ Added progress counter for the Backup Wizard
^ Pausing the backup now also pauses the backup statistics.
^ Improved Backup Wizard analysis performance
^ Updated instructions for the Restore Wizard to reflect changes made to Steams menus
* Disabled 'Do not limit threads' checkbox for the Backup Wizard during analysis to prevent null reference errors
* Fixed games being some games being missed during Restore or Backup if they have unusual casing or non-alphanumeric character in its name
* Fixed restore always using 4 instances

* Fixed not finding additional Steam libraries that has spaces, brackets and other non word characters in it
^ Now checks that the backup directory can be written to before opening the Backup Wizard

^ Fixed compression settings being applied before the job list was loaded

+ readme.txt
^ The updater now cleans up the downloaded archive after installation
+ Trying to find a Steam installation when it is not findable now notifies the user
+ Now works with 32bit installations
+ Asks the user if they really want to close the tool while a job is taking place
^ Update wizard now checks a google doc file for higher reliability
+ Now notifies the user if they could be backing up a game that may of been deleted by steam
+ Building the list of potential backup jobs is slower, but allows for the above change and faster toggling between backup modes

* Target path was generated incorrectly during a restore.

+ Command-line interface added
^ Reduced application executable size
^ Internal path processing/building now done using .NET's built-in Classes
^ A lot of code refactoring/polishing, i.e. splitting execution code from UI code etc.

* Fixed a bug that could create more threads in LZMA2 than is possible
+ Added check box that removes thread limitation for LZMA2
+ Website label to About Box
^ Error logging
^ Ram usage prediction

+ Checks online for tool updates
^ Main Menu title blurb
* Fixed a crash during start of backup when config.sbt is missing

* suppress exceptions at ETA calculation

+ display compression/decompression speed and ETA for each instance
^ Improved JSON (de-)serialization
^ use statically linked 7z wrapper, installed VC++ Redistributable Packages no longer required
^ extract hardcoded text into application resources
^ use data binding on CheckedListBox controls, instead accessing them directly

+ Notifies user if Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 is not installed.

+ Enable thread count selection when using LZMA2 compression
^ Now uses a higher performance 7zip Wrapper
^ Updated 7z.dll
^ Disable backup buttons while the check list box is being populated
* Removed backup/restore of the generic "steamapps" folder (Valve has made this redundant)
* Fixed the library drop down box on the restore menu not getting a default selection.
* Can now determine if steam is using a 'steamapps' or 'SteamApps' folder. (Could be either, Cause of the above bug)
^ Added people to credits

+ Add support for lzma2 compression
* Fix backup of .acf files, where 'installdir' contains relaative installation path

^ Improved the data that is written to the info boxes.
^ Update Backup button now only selects archives that already exists.
+ Update library will update all available games.

+ Improved checks for valid backups and steam folder.

* Fixed the tool from considering a new installation of steam as invalid (ie missing steamapps folder)

^ Totally refactored code (Improved performance and reliability)
^ Now uses a 7z library rather than command line to a external process
* Fixed a few typos

+ Added
- Removed
^ Updated
* Bugfix


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