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RogueSharp / RogueSharp / README

RogueSharp Namespace

RogueSharp is a free library written in C# to help roguelike developers get a head start on their game. RogueSharp provides many utility functions for dealing with map generation, field-of-view calculations, path finding, random number generation and more.


Class Description
Cell A class that defines a square on a Map with all of its associated properties
FieldOfView A class for performing field-of-view calculations to determine what is observable in a Map from a given Cell within a given light radius
GoalMap A class for assigning weights to every cell on the Map which can then be used for finding paths or building desire-driven AI
Map A Map represents a rectangular grid of Cells, each of which has a number of properties for determining walkability, field-of-view and so on The upper left corner of the Map is Cell (0,0) and the X value increases to the right, as the Y value increases downward
MapState A class representing the state of a Map which can be used to Restore a Map to a previously Saved state This POCO (Plain Old C# Object) can be easily serialized and deserialized
NoMoreStepsException Exception that is thrown when attempting to move along a Path when there are no more Steps in that direction
Path A class representing an ordered list of Cells from Start to End The path can be traversed by the StepForward and StepBackward methods Implemented by a doubly linked list
PathFinder A class which can be used to find shortest path from a source to a destination in a Map
PathNotFoundException Exception that is thrown when attempting to find a Path from a Source to a Destination but one does not exist
Point A class that defines a point in 2D space
Rectangle A class that defines a rectangle


Interface Description
IGoalMap An interface for classes that assign weights to every cell on the Map and then use this for finding paths or building desire-driven AI
IMap A Map represents a rectangular grid of Cells, each of which has a number of properties for determining walkability, field-of-view and so on The upper left corner of the Map is Cell (0,0) and the X value increases to the right, as the Y value increases downward


Enumeration Description
MapStateCellProperties Flags Enumeration of the possible properties for any Cell in the Map

[15]: 2014-2016 Faron Bracy
