Meridian flip never ends when local blind platesolver "fails"

Issue #1091 resolved
Ara Jerahian created an issue

I had inadvertently set my blind platesolver to “Local plate solver” which is my cygwin ansvr installation I no longer use. When the ASTAP plate solver failed (reason unknown as of yet), it switched to the blind solver since I had “Use Blind Solver for Failures” set to ON. However, ansvr either failed or didn’t run, and the meridian flip never exited; 5 hours after the flip, the meridian flip dialog was still displayed and my sequence end instructions had not run.

A timeout for the blind solver might be useful if one doesn’t already exist.

Excerpt from my log…

2022-03-22T02:06:20.4355|ERROR|ASTAPSolver.cs|ReadResult|62|ASTAP - Plate solve failed.
2022-03-22T02:06:20.4405|DEBUG|ImageSolver.cs|Solve|47|Initial solve failed. Falling back to blind solver

2022-03-22T02:06:20.4405|INFO|ImageSolver.cs|Solve|41|Platesolving with parameters: FocalLength: 2032 PixelSize: 4.63 SearchRadius: 30 BlindFailoverEnabled: True Regions: 5000 DownSampleFactor: 2 MaxObjects: 500
2022-03-22T02:06:20.7354|INFO|BaseImageData.cs|FinalizeSave|153|Saving image at C:\Users\Astro\AppData\Local\NINA\PlateSolver\fn3swxln.2az.fits
2022-03-22T02:06:20.7354|TRACE|BaseImageData.cs|SaveToDisk|43|Start: 22.03.2022 06:06:20.440; Stopped: 22.03.2022 06:06:20.735; Elapsed: 00:00:00.2948493
2022-03-22T02:06:20.7364|DEBUG|CLISolver.cs|StartCLI|148|Starting process 'cmd.exe' with args '/C ""C:\Users\Astro\AppData\Local\cygwin_ansvr\bin\bash.exe" --login -c '/usr/bin/solve-field --overwrite --index-xyls none --corr none --rdls none --match none --new-fits none -center --objs 500 --no-plots --resort --downsample 2 --scale-units arcsecperpix -L 0.27 -H 0.67 "C:/Users/Astro/AppData/Local/NINA/PlateSolver/fn3swxln.2az.fits"'"'

After this snippet, there are no useful instructions logged other than verbose GetProperty calls.


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