The star charts that come with the software are not comprehensive and it is recommended that they be supplemented

Issue #1180 duplicate
Arthur li created an issue

I found that many of the nebulae in the VDB catalogues, such as VDB142, were missing from the software when I was using the sky atlas, and although the software works well for importing them through the Virtual Planetarium, they are apparently not available in the framing .It may be that not only the VAB catalogues are missing. Hoping that the local charts will be added soon.

Comments (2)

  1. Dale Ghent

    The object database that is built into NINA is not intended to be comprehensive and is mostly aimed at more popular objects. This is why NINA includes the ability to talk to several different planetarium applications. You can import selected object coordinates from planetarium apps, including framing information in some cases (Stellarium, CdC, TSX I believe) directly into Framing Assistant in NINA. Planetarium applications are recommended for less-popular objects as these apps have extensive object databases available to them. NINA is not intended to be a planetarium application itself, and there is currently no interest in creating and curating extensive object databases amongst the contributors.

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