Rising Cam sometimes not finishing exposure since new SDK

Issue #1201 duplicate
Michael Ring created an issue

Running NINA Version

Since the new RisingCam/Touptec SDK was integrated in Nina Beta I am having issues with exposures not finishing.

The strange thing is that there are areas in Nina where I see it often (Framing Assistant, Autofocus) and fortunately I do rarely (never??) see it when doing smart exposure in a sequence.

Yesterday I prepared my SCT for galaxy season so I did a lot of framing assistant, autofocus and aberration inspector.

During this I had to disconnect/reconnect the camera in Nina several times because of stuck exposures.

I have attached the log of yesterday, the early events are the relevant ones, after that I physically disconnected the Camera to change backspacing in Aberration Inspector. Unfortunately there is not much to find in the logs besides the logging that I did actually did disconnect/reconnect.

20230120-175017-|INFO|CameraVM.cs|Disconnect|626|Disconnected Camera
20230120-175017-|INFO|CameraVM.cs|Disconnect|626|Disconnected Camera
20230120-175017-|INFO|CameraVM.cs|Disconnect|626|Disconnected Camera
20230120-175017-|INFO|CameraVM.cs|Disconnect|626|Disconnected Camera
20230120-175017-|INFO|CameraVM.cs|Disconnect|626|Disconnected Camera
20230120-175017-|INFO|CameraVM.cs|Disconnect|626|Disconnected Camera

Today I ran a sequence for Flats, it ran without any issue.

Issue #1200 looks quite similar to mine

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    As the only thing that got changed was the SDK update, this should be taken to the vendor. Not much I can do here, when this is most likely an SDK bug.

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