Syncing site settings failure

Issue #1216 resolved
Kurt Miller created an issue

When connecting with the telescope and NINA detects the telescope site settings differ from NINA’s a dialog is presented to the user. When syncing ‘From NINA to telescope’, if the telescope does not support the SiteElevation Set command it throws the PropertyNotImplementedException. This results in NINA reporting to the user an error "Unable to set mount latitude to and longitude to". Since not all mounts support setting SiteElevation, I think it would be better to ignore the PropertyNotImplementedException. Alternatively, if that is not the desired behavior the error reported to the user should be more specific and state it was the site elevation that failed to be set (not lat and long).

I see this issue with the ZWO AM5 mount when elevation is set to a non-zero value. I’m running on 2.1 HF1 RC006. Please let me know if you need additional information.

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