Wrong gain=0 in FITS header for SBIG STX-16803 camera

Issue #1218 resolved
Thomas Birbacher created an issue


When taking an exposure with the SBIG STX-16803 camera, connected with the SBIG Legacy driver, the gain in the FITS header is 0 e-/ADU.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Install N.I.N.A. 2.1 and the camera drivers from the SBIG website.
  • Connect SBIG STX-16803 camera with the SBIG Legacy driver (appears as “SBIG STX-16803 3 CCD” in the dropdown menu) (This is not an ASCOM driver).
  • Take an exposure in the imaging tab.
  • Open the resulting FITS file in a FITS viewer and look for the gain keyword.

Expected behaviour

Either write the correct gain of 1.27 e-/ADU to the FITS header automatically (maybe inferred from camera?), or give the user the option to manually set a custom gain for writing to the FITS header.

Actual behaviour

The gain in the FITS header is always 0, which is not the correct gain for this camera.

I suspect that the SBIG Legacy driver does not send the correct information about the gain of the camera to N.I.N.A.

Comments (2)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    As far as I can see in the SDK, the gain information is not available. I will adjust the code that the gain header is not set for the sbig native driver.

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