Suggestion $$TARGETTITLE$$ for Options > Imaging

Issue #1241 duplicate
Martin Junius created an issue

NINA 2.2


Currently NINA support $$TARGETNAME$$ and $$SEQUENCETITLE$$ for structuring image file names / directories. It would be nice to have an addtional e.g. $$TARGETTITLE$$ with the text from the Deep Sky Imaging container title (not the target name).

Rationale: for solar system objects (asteroids, comets) it makes sense to add extra information to the target sequence title and directory name, but without messing with the actual target name as in the FITS header. $$SEQUENCETITLE$$ is almost the right thing, but only referes to the global sequence title, not the individual target sequence.

Steps to Reproduce

  • n/a

Expected behaviour


Actual behaviour


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