New File Naming Fields

Issue #649 new
Bill Richards created an issue

For those of us who are using a DSLR and different lenses for astrophotography, it would be nice if NINA also offered the options of including the focal length, aperture, and ISO in the image file name. Is $$GAIN$$ used for ISO if a DSLR is used?

Comments (7)

  1. Dale Ghent

    You can use the existing $$TELESCOPE$$ token, the contents of which may be configured under Options > Equipment > Telescope, as more or less a free-form way of describing the optic being used. If left blank, it takes the name of the connected ASCOM mount driver. For example on one of my rigs that uses a Canon lens, I put Canon EF 200mm 2.8L in there.

    Camera ISO is synonymous with gain, so the $$GAIN$$ token will indeed insert the ISO value you have configured to shoot the frame at.

  2. Bill Richards reporter

    OK so I can use GAIN for ISO - that’s good.

    But I would like to have the aperture and focal length as options to be automatically read from the equipment configuration and inserted into the file names. With everything else that is going on in a night of imaging, manually changing the $$TELESCOPE$$ token to record those settings will be the farthest thing from my mind and will surely result in incorrectly named files.

    Can we make this a new feature request? It doesn’t seem that difficult since these values are readily available from the camera.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Refer to duplicate marked issues for other proposed keyword. Using this issue as a bucket.

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