Enclose String value by ' ' in XSIF header

Issue #1284 resolved
Cyril Richard created an issue


I'm improving the xisf headers reader in Siril.
I looked at a header of a file produced by NINA 3.

Here is an example:

<FITSKeyword name="BAYERPAT" value="RGGB" comment="Sensor Bayer pattern" />

In my opinion, this should be :

<FITSKeyword name="BAYERPAT" value="'RGGB'" comment="Sensor Bayer pattern" />

surrounding the string value with '.

“'RGGB    '“

for small strings)

Even PixInsight does this for string keywords.

Comments (7)

  1. Stefan B repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hey Cyril,

    thank you for your report. I've looked at the XISF specification again and while it is not explicitly mentioned there, it just refers to the FITS specification for Header Keywords.

    So I agree that this seems to be incorrectly written by N.I.N.A. and I will add a patch for it

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