Problem with ZWO EAF focuser

Issue #191 resolved
Former user created an issue

NINA Version 1.9 Night I use NINA to work with ZWO EAF Focuser. - Focuser is driven by ASCOM and can be recognized and used in MDL, SKYX, Focus Max and SGP. - In NINA, after clicking on the connection, the interface flickers briefly, and no connection succeeds without any error prompt. - Click on the refresh button and the drop-down menu appears as "No Focuser"

Comments (9)

  1. Yannick Dutertre

    Thanks for the report - would you be able to do the following?

    1. Set the log level of NINA to Trace in the General Options tab
    2. launch NINA, try to connect to the focuser, refresh, etc.
    3. Send us the log (in %localappdata%\NINA\logs) by attaching to this issue, or on Discord

    Also, with the focuser plugged in, could you run the Ascom Conformance Checker linked here and send us the output (here or on Discord)? Since none in the dev team own this new piece of hardware, we have no other solution but use you for checking 🙂

  2. Stefan B repo owner


    thanks for the log. It is clear now why it is not working. (Driver is not throwing the expected exception that is mentioned in the ascom specs)
    Anyways it is easy to work around it and will be included in the next nightly build.
    In case you want a head start you can replace your nina exe with this one:


  3. Phillip

    Hi Stefan,

    I downloaded and installed the latest version of night # 25.

    Now I find that EAF can be used properly through Focus Max, but with NINA direct connection, the error is the same as before.

    I added three log files as attachments. Attached is a screenshot. If possible, please check the problem further.

    Nevertheless, NINA is still my favorite and most anticipated software for deep space photography.

    Best regards.

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    Looks like the exception is still not catched, even though we added the “System.NotImplementedException“. Maybe the exception is not really of this type.

    We could just catch all exceptions regardless of the type, but that’s again just a workaround for a non compliant driver…

  5. Phillip

    Thank you, Stefan.

    I will update to #26 and take a try. EAF is a very easy-to-use, high-torque and inexpensive focuser. I hope it can be used via NINA.

    I am wodering if there are any specific settings in EAF ascom that need to be completed. I will send you back no matter it’s solved or not.

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