Moravian G2-8300 / image fails to download

Issue #200 resolved
Former user created an issue

Reproductible (systematic). Running the latest release, also observed on the latest daily builds. Just take an image. An error message displays in the notification area.

Comments (2)

  1. Dale Ghent

    Hi, please try 1.9 build 32 or later. You are running build 31, which had an issue with a supporting library (the references to libfli.dll errors you see in the logs.) Once you do that, please try again with Debug-level logging turned on (Go to Options and select Debug under Log Level.) Hopefully you will have better luck. If not please throw us some of the resulting log files.

    The driver failure in the ASCOM Conform results is interesting, but we do not use the ImageArrayVariant property and should not trip over that issue. However, Moravian should be made aware of the crash in their ASCOM driver when accessing that property. Any driver should pass all Conform tests.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Fix Issue #200 Moravian G2-8300 / image fails to download. The driver reports a SensorType as "Color" even though it is a bayer matrix. Therefore this check on download is removed. Instead if a camera is having a real color array it will still fail but the other cameras will work.

    → <<cset 633e476b9632>>

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