Default value for set-temperature

Issue #219 resolved
Former user created an issue

I was running Nina with ASCOM simulators. The keyword SET-TEMP in the prodcued FITS file seems undefined. See value below. (ASTAP crashed on this value but that has been fixed now). Would suggest to define a default value like 999 or remove this keyword if temperature is not defined.

EGAIN = 0.8 / [e-/ADU] Electrons per A/D unit
XPIXSZ = 5.6 / [um] Pixel X axis size
YPIXSZ = 5.6 / [um] Pixel Y axis size
INSTRUME= 'Camera V2 simulato' / Imaging instrument name
SET-TEMP= -1.79769313486232E+308 / [degC] CCD temperature setpoint
CCD-TEMP= 10 / [degC] CCD temperature
TELESCOP= 'Generic Telescope' / Name of telescope
FOCALLEN= 800 / [mm] Focal length
FOCRATIO= 7 / Focal ratio

Comments (4)

  1. Han K

    I was the reporter. :)

    It’s about this value:
    SET-TEMP= -1.79769313486232E+308 / [degC] CCD temperature setpoint

  2. Dale Ghent

    Hi Han, Exponential notation is a valid format for 32 and 64 bit floats in FITS headers. Is that was you are referring to?

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