Autofocus on filter changedoes not work

Issue #285 resolved
Simon Kapadia created an issue

I set up a sequence to do six one second exposures for each of three filters (Ha, Oiii, Sii). I selected “autofocus on filter change”. I ran the sequence. NINA did a single autofocus at the start of the sequence, then ran through and took all of the exposures, swapping filters, without doing autofocus again.

I have attached a log file with logging at TRACE.

Note that my filters names show up just fine in NINA.

Please let me know what I can do to help debug this issue.

Comments (14)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    To properly reproduce could you please export the sequence and attach it here and also the used profile inside %localappdata%\nina\profiles


  2. Nicholas Michael

    Sorry Simon, If I am encroaching on your post but as we both having the same issue I hope you don’t mind

  3. Simon Kapadia reporter

    Nope that’s perfect, thanks for uploading the requested data. I am imaging right now so would not be able to gather until later anyway 🙂

  4. Nicholas Michael

    BTW since starting my multi-sequence I have changed the values ringed blue below from the defaults of 0 to 10. It still does not focus on filter change and I presumed that if they were at their defaults of 0 it would use the value of 10 ringed red below. I have not reset the software since changing the blue ringed as I am also running a sequence.

  5. Stefan B repo owner


    with the provided profile and sequence i am able to reproduce and will work on a fix.

    Thanks for the details.

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