Pause/cancel sequence when guide start lost

Issue #301 duplicate
Tom Kennedy created an issue

When clouds or trees cause PHD to fail due to lost stars or mass changes, NINA should pause the sequence for a period of time to allow PHD to recover. If after a pause of x minutes NINA checks and PHD is still lost, it could wait and try again a preset number of times. If after all that PHD is still not back guiding, the sequence should stop and run the end of sequence items. This is important for unattended imaging.

Comments (5)

  1. Samuel Pessorrusso

    If this is going to be implemented then please:
    1- if (guidererror++ > threshold) then run end of sequence; if not:
    2- Pause sequence
    3- Wait X minutes
    4- recenter object. (this is important, guider may have moved the telescope)
    5- start guiding again

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