Sequence Recover after PHD2 loses star

Issue #582 closed
Niccolò Coli created an issue

Following discussion on discord, proposal is to have a basic recovery functionality after PHD2 loses the guide star for X amount of time. This would cancel the current exposure in NINA and trigger a sequence restart with recentering and new guide star selection

Comments (10)

  1. Tal Akerman

    This is a major enhacment and will greatly improve shooting with automation, especially on partly cloudy nights.

    Would love to see it happens.

  2. Tal Achituv

    Agreed. Would save so many lost images.

    Needs to take into account clouds. So repeat platesolve until successful. would be nice to verify number of stars before platesolve in such instances to avoid hammering the servers with cloud images.

  3. Tal Achituv

    Some discussions offline made me think this might need more details, as some people confuse this with the ‘recover lost star’ feature.

    When PHD2 loses a star, NINA already can recover (if configured to do so) by automatically re-selecting a star.

    However - when the guide star has been lost for long enough for the whole frame to move significantly (which usually isn’t very long, especially since PHD2 sometimes tries all sorts of aggressive moves due to noise/clouds), then a whole new platesolve-slew loop is required to get the frame back. Only once the framing is correct, should PHD2 resume guiding.

    It would perhaps be wise to implement a frame-comparison feature to help figure out the offset between frames, and unless subsequent frames can be shown to be within a few pixels from each other, then there are either still clouds or PHD2 guided us away.

    If we can distinguish between clouds and no-clouds (such as by star count, skyglow, or perhaps some cloud-specific algorithms) then we can implement auto-reframe once clouds are gone.

    • some of this might be better implemented in PHD2, since cloud detection can work much better when we have ~1S exposures rather than long exposures. (motion vectors, brightness changes, etc.)

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    Having these two triggers combined in an advanced sequence provide already a decent recovery for PHD2:

    Making sure that guiding is always active:

    Making sure the image is still centered correctly:

    The one thing missing from this request is cancelling an exposure when exceeding some RMS threshold or when guide star is lost.

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