crash launching Nina

Issue #326 resolved
pascal created an issue


the new nightly build seen to have a problem when launching (unhandled exception), recovering is not possible. I joined the log.



Comments (8)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    could you also please attach your used profile, as it looks like there is some issue with it.


  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Hey, looks like this is the old profiles file that was used in 1.8. for 1.9 the profiles are stored individually inside %localappdata%\nina\profiles. Can you please post me the one used from there? Thank you.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    There are a lot of formatting issues due to the text editor. I tried to resolve these issues and loaded the file and there was no problem then…

  4. pascal reporter

    the profile (and all the new created after deleting the previous one) is on only one line when I edit them (notepad ++), your formatted profile file (with line break) doesn't work for me (same error).


  5. pascal reporter

    hello, just for info, I confirm that version works after clean reinstall and doesn’t again also after clean re installation, so for the moment I switched again to the 008 version?


  6. Stefan B repo owner

    Hi, I have identified an issue with the 1.10 #13 installer in x86. A new version is now available which should fix this startup problem. If the problem persists please re-open the ticket.

  7. pascal reporter

    Hello Stefan,

    thank you it works now, I have found another possible issue in plate solving, I will open another ticket…

    Thanks again.


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