Suggestions on Nina starting sequence

Issue #471 duplicate
Phillip created an issue

Dear Developere:

Would you add a fuction of sequence start time for Nina instead of "delay in seconds". This start time is in the exact "hour / minute / second" both UTC/Local mode.

This is very meaningful for our observation. For example, if I know the sunset time, I can set the function to start my sequence accurately according to this time.

Or when I want to work on multiple different targets and know the specific time when they enter the observation position, this function will be very useful.

Comments (6)

  1. Paul LeFevre

    This feature would be huge for NINA, and shouldn’t take too much work…please put it on the list! Thanks.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Yes it’s on the list and it will come 🙂 Just need to finish 1.10 first!

    Edit: And as always the real work is in the details. So even if it sounds like not much work ,the whole sequencer framework will get reworked to be more flexible for things like that.

  3. Paul LeFevre

    Thanks for the update, Stefan. I think it’s time I downloaded and built the source, so I can get to know it and possibly be a contributor (programmer for 40+ years!) 🙂

  4. Phillip reporter

    Thanks Stefan.

    This feature will make NINA fully undertake the core task like plan whole night, not only one shot but all night long in remote observatory.

    We all hope NINA will be best DSO software in the world! Thanks for what you’ve done all this way.

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