Add MGEN 3 to NINA

Issue #489 resolved
Mike Forster created an issue

Hello, I am using MGEN-3 for dithering (it provides this function).

Now my question is: Do I need to enable dithering in NINA as well? (in Sequence menu)?

And which one has then priority? E.g. when i set up in MGEN dithering after each picture but in NINA after each 2nd picture, what happens then?


Comments (95)

  1. Kowalski K.

    And does dithering work with MGEN-3 when I chose MGEN-2 as guider?

    Or do I need to chose “Direct Guider” ?

    Thanks a lot!

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    The direct guider is there when you have no guider at all. It will send a dither command to the mount.

    I don’t expect this to work with the mgen, as the mount will move without the mgen to be notified about.

  3. Kowalski K.

    Ah ok thats cool, so I dont´t need a guider at all when I want to dither? Thats cool. But concerning my initial question, assuming I had a MGEN-2 for guiding or PHD2, what are the priorities then? Does NINA then take the guiding commands from MGEN-2 (or PHD2) and i switch then guiding “off” in NINA sequence? Or switch “on” in NINA sequence but switch “off” in MGEN-2 (or PHD2)?

    Thanks a lot!


  4. Dale Ghent

    I think the issue is that non of the developers are in possession of an MGEN3 device. It is possible that you could supply one?

  5. Kowalski K.

    I don´t think this is the issue because MGEN-2 is already implemented in NINA so here obviously NINA worked together with Lacerta. Why not for MGEN-3 as well..? Seems to be a miracle..

  6. Dale Ghent

    I think you are being rather presumptive regarding the charity of others for your own benefit. Do I need to remind you that NINA is developed by people who are essentially donating their own time and equipment in order to implement support for specific hardware and features? Are you, personally, willing to assist in such aspects or expect others to go through the time and expense for you?

    You have purchased and wish to use a device that is currently not supported, and wish to have it supported without any help on your part in making that happen. On top of that, you are being demanding, and you are sulking when the answer is not in your favor. Assuming that you are actually an adult, I advise that you reconsider your behavior.

  7. Stefan B repo owner

    your answer is pretty rude. Remember that this is a totally free application where people spent their free time to work on.
    I am in contact with Lacerta for the MGen3, but it also takes quite the time to implement stuff like this, and currently we are preparing nina for the 1.10 beta phase. I don’t have an MGen3 yet and did not ask for one, as I don’t have the time for it right now.

    Feel free to switch to APT.


  8. Kowalski K.

    Hello guys, sorry when my answer was rude. My english is quite bad and I was not well informed about how NINA is organised. So sorry, it was not my intention to be unfriendly. I couldn´t imagine I am the 1st one asking for MGEN-3 support and therefore supposed there is no problem to get the MGEN-3 device. Furthermore Lacerta should be very interested to implement it in NINA and therefore offer a device for free. I could provide my device, but i was thinking NINA is not interested to implement MGEN-3 because of other priorities and no time.. I don´t want to change to APT but have no other choice. I like NINA and also supported by donation. Thank you. Have a nice evening.

  9. Stefan B repo owner

    As I said previously, the mgen3 implementation will come along the line of the 1.11 release. I just don’t have the time right now to look after it, as we finalze 1.10 right now.

  10. Kowalski K.

    When I try to connect to MGEN-3 via ASCOM (to the MGEN.APP) i get the following error message:

    Am I doing something wrong or is this because MGEN-3 is not yet implemented in NINA?

    Thanks a lot!

    Best wishes


  11. Stefan B repo owner

    the does have some issues. I already pointed to some of the problems to the author, but it looks like they aren’t fixed just yet there…

    It also is x86 only and won’t work with x64 NINA.

  12. Kowalski K.

    I just saw, there is also NINA in x86 available for download. Would this fix the problem? Could I connect then MGEN-3 and use MGEN´s dithering with NINA?

    Best wishes

  13. Stanley Dimant

    mgen app is not supported as guiding source since ascom does not support guiding sources as devices.

  14. Stefan B repo owner

    @Stanley Dimant the is an ascom camera wrapper where you can register the mgen3 to dither after an exposure.

    Unfortunately even the x86 version is not working with NINA. The app author knows the problem, but idk if or when he will fix it.

  15. Kowalski K.

    Is the connection to NINA via MGEN app and the implementation in NINA (like done with MGEN-2 in version 1.10) two different things?

  16. Stefan B repo owner

    yes those are different things. With the NINA implementation it will give you full control for the mgen, including dithering, guiding pausing etc.

    The is just a wrapper for the camera giving you external control outside of nina for the app and as far as i know it can dither after an exposure, but nina won’t know anything about it and just uses the camera like normal.

    The autor of is Walter Weichselbaum

  17. Stefan B repo owner

    I was in contact with Lacerta again. As we finalize 1.10 I will have time to do new features soon. So my estimate is that by July I can push out the first version for MGEN-3.

  18. Stefan B repo owner

    Implementation has started. Passing the UI into NINA is already available. Dithering should work, but has not been tested yet.
    What’s missing is the automation to start guiding when not already active (on sequence start or meridian flip for example) and the parsing of guide corrections into the graph.

  19. Mike Forster reporter

    May I ask on which version it will be available? I still get the 64x / 86x Error message when connecting my MGEN-3 Best wishes

    Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2020 14:48 Betreff: Re: [Bitbucket] Issue #489: Dithering priority (Isbeorn/nina)

    [Stefan B] Stefan B commented on issue #489: Dithering priority

    Implementation has started. Passing the UI into NINA is already available. Dithering should work, but has not been tested yet. What’s missing is the automation to start guiding when not already active (on sequence start or meridian flip for example) and the parsing of guide corrections into the graph.

    []‌ View this issue or add a comment by replying to this email. Unwatch this issue to stop receiving email updates. [Bitbucket] Are you making the most of Bitbucket? Learn more about our premium plans. Blog | Git Tutorials | Bitbucket Community | Privacy Policy

  20. Stefan B repo owner

    This version is not yet available.
    It will be put into the 1.11 nightly builds once it is finished. Additionally there are still some problems with the x64 dll version that needs to be fixed by the vendor.

  21. Stefan B repo owner

    Ok today I had the chance to do a live test and squished some of the bugs and arrived at a state where it looks quite acceptable.
    You can see that on start of sequence, the guiding is started. Once the guiding is started the Drift Values are read out into the chart. Furthermore the dither trigger is working.
    Only problem right now is that the x64 DLL provided by Lacerta has some issues and does not work properly, but the x86 Version is working.

    I hope this will get fixed soon and once the nightly versions are starting this support will be in.

  22. Stefan B repo owner

    Hey @Vigo79 ,

    unfortunately I haven’t heard anything from them. I want to contact them again this week if there is any update.

  23. Stefan B repo owner

    I finally got an answer back. They are still analyzing the issues they have and said that maybe in september a new version is available.

  24. Kowalski K.

    “Only problem right now is that the x64 DLL provided by Lacerta has some issues and does not work properly, but the x86 Version is working.”

    So what speaks against using the x86 version?

  25. Stefan B repo owner

    The x86 Version will not work with an x64 version of nina.
    As the x64 version is the main target and the x86 version has problems due to the memory restrictions i won’t add something that is only available on x86 only.

  26. Stefan B repo owner

    For the record - reached out to lacerta yesterday again for an update. Waiting for the reply.

  27. Vigo79

    I asked Tommy before… hm 3 weeks and got no satisfying answer. Hope they will fix the 64bit dll very soon.

  28. Kowalski K.

    Just got a feedback from Lacerta.

    They work with highest priority on the x64.dll issue and promise to finish soon..

  29. Stefan B repo owner

    Today I have received a new version of their dll as well as a firmware update. I will utilize these and look how well it works. After that I will put it into 1.11 up for testing.

  30. Kowalski K.

    Great news! Thank you for your effort. I hope you can put it under the Christmas tree so the donation button can be pressed 🙂

  31. Stefan B repo owner

    I have just managed to connect with the new API in the x64 NINA version. So it is looking promising. Need to do some final touches and then I can add it to a nightly

  32. Stefan B repo owner

    There is one call to the library left that i can’t get to work due to some incorrect parameter. Once this is figured out the first draft implementation is ready.

  33. Stefan B repo owner

    Ok i think i have found a solution. Sadly there are no clear skies in the near future, so i will do some indoor testing and put up a version for others to test in a nightly this weekend.

  34. Stefan B repo owner

    While the call to that method seems to work fine now in x64 I can’t get it to work in x86. I have reached out to their developer if he has an idea what might be wrong here.

  35. Kowalski K.

    ok, but “normally” nina is running with x64 in 2020 (recommended).

    I thing only some special cases need x86 under windows. Isn´t it like that?

    So everything is fine..

  36. Stefan B repo owner

    Yes, that’s why i will add it to the next nightly to at least be able to do some first testing.

  37. Kowalski K.

    Just tried to connect my MGEN3 to NINA Nightly # 028 and got the message: “Unable to load DLL ‘MG3lib.dll’: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden..

    I looked for a new firmware update for the MGEN3 at LACERTA webpage, but there is no one..

  38. Stefan B repo owner

    can you set your log level to trace and then put the log file up? i wonder why it fails to load

  39. Stefan B repo owner

    That doesnt look Like the relevant Log. You need to Change the Log Level in options to Trace and then reproduce the issue. After that the complete Log File could be useful

  40. Kowalski K.

    ----------------NINA - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy----------------

    -------------------Running NINA Version
    ----------------------ASCOM Platform Version 6.5----------------------
    ---------------------.NET Version 4.0.30319.42000---------------------
    ---------------------Oparating System Information---------------------
    ---------------------------Is 64bit OS True---------------------------
    ------------------------Is 64bit Process True-------------------------
    ---------------------------Platform Win32NT---------------------------
    --------------Version Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18363.0---------------
    ---------------------------Major 10 Minor 0---------------------------
    ----------------------------Service Pack -----------------------------

    [2020-12-06T20:13:08.6830] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetEquipment
    [2020-12-06T20:13:08.6830] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Camera\CameraChooserVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:08.6830] [TRACE] [Message] Adding ASI Cameras

    [2020-12-06T20:13:08.6987] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetEquipment
    [2020-12-06T20:13:08.6987] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Camera\CameraChooserVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:08.6987] [TRACE] [Message] Adding Altair Cameras

    [2020-12-06T20:13:08.6987] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetEquipment
    [2020-12-06T20:13:08.6987] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Camera\CameraChooserVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:08.6987] [TRACE] [Message] Adding Atik Cameras

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1156] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetDevicesCount
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1156] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\CameraSDKs\AtikSDK\AtikCameraDll.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1156] [TRACE] [Message] Number of Atik Cameras: 0

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1156] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetEquipment
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1156] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Camera\CameraChooserVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1156] [TRACE] [Message] Cameras found: 0

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1156] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetEquipment
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1156] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Camera\CameraChooserVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1156] [TRACE] [Message] Adding FLI Cameras

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1312] [DEBUG] [MemberName] GetCameras
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1312] [DEBUG] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\CameraSDKs\FLISDK\FLICameras.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1312] [DEBUG] [Message] FLI: Found 0 camera(s)

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1468] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetEquipment
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1468] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Camera\CameraChooserVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1468] [TRACE] [Message] Adding QHYCCD Cameras

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1625] [TRACE] [MemberName] Count
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1625] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\CameraSDKs\QHYSDK\QHYCameras.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1625] [TRACE] [Message] QHYCamera - found 0 camera(s)

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1625] [DEBUG] [MemberName] GetEquipment
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1625] [DEBUG] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Camera\CameraChooserVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.1625] [DEBUG] [Message] Adding ToupTek Cameras

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2315] [DEBUG] [MemberName] GetEquipment
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2315] [DEBUG] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Camera\CameraChooserVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2315] [DEBUG] [Message] Adding Omegon Cameras

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetCameras
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\ASCOMInteraction.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [Message] Adding ASI Camera (1) (ASCOM)

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetCameras
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\ASCOMInteraction.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [Message] Adding ASI Camera (2) (ASCOM)

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetCameras
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\ASCOMInteraction.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [Message] Adding MGEN.APP (ASCOM)

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetCameras
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\ASCOMInteraction.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [Message] Adding QHYCCD-Cameras-Capture (ASCOM)

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetCameras
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\ASCOMInteraction.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [Message] Adding QHYCCD-Cameras2-Capture (ASCOM)

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetCameras
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\ASCOMInteraction.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [Message] Adding QHYCCD-Cameras-Guider (ASCOM)

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetCameras
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\ASCOMInteraction.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2627] [TRACE] [Message] Adding Camera V2 simulator (ASCOM)

    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2784] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetCameras
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2784] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\ASCOMInteraction.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:09.2784] [TRACE] [Message] Adding Simulator (ASCOM)

    [2020-12-06T20:13:15.1451] [TRACE] [MemberName] UpdateFilterWheelsSettings
    [2020-12-06T20:13:15.1451] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\FlatWizard\FlatWizardVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:15.1451] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 06.12.2020 07:13:15.145; Stopped: 06.12.2020 07:13:15.145; Elapsed: 00:00:00.0001198

    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.8226] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetEquipment
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.8226] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\FilterWheel\FilterWheelChooserVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.8226] [TRACE] [Message] Adding FLI filter wheels

    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.8226] [DEBUG] [MemberName] GetFilterWheels
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.8226] [DEBUG] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\CameraSDKs\FLISDK\FLIFilterWheels.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.8226] [DEBUG] [Message] FLI: Found 0 filter wheel(s)

    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.8226] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetEquipment
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.8226] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\FilterWheel\FilterWheelChooserVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.8226] [TRACE] [Message] Adding Atik EFW filter wheels

    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9577] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetEquipment
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9577] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\FilterWheel\FilterWheelChooserVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9577] [TRACE] [Message] Adding Atik internal filter wheels

    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9577] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetDevicesCount
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9577] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\CameraSDKs\AtikSDK\AtikCameraDll.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9577] [TRACE] [Message] Number of Atik Cameras: 0

    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9577] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetEquipment
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9577] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\FilterWheel\FilterWheelChooserVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9577] [TRACE] [Message] Cameras found: 0

    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9577] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetEquipment
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9577] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\FilterWheel\FilterWheelChooserVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9577] [TRACE] [Message] Adding QHY integrated/4-pin filter wheels

    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9733] [DEBUG] [MemberName] GetFilterWheels
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9733] [DEBUG] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Utility\CameraSDKs\QHYSDK\QHYFilterWheels.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9733] [DEBUG] [Message] QHYCFW: Found 0 filter wheel(s)

    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9733] [TRACE] [MemberName] GetEquipment
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9733] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\FilterWheel\FilterWheelChooserVM.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:16.9733] [TRACE] [Message] Adding ZWOptical filter wheels

    [2020-12-06T20:13:37.6758] [TRACE] [MemberName] PollDevice
    [2020-12-06T20:13:37.6758] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA.MGEN\MGEN3\LoggingMG3SDK.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:37.6758] [TRACE] [Message] IMG3SDK - Calling PollDevice

    [2020-12-06T20:13:37.7391] [ERROR] [MemberName] Connect
    [2020-12-06T20:13:37.7391] [ERROR] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Model\MyGuider\MGENGuider.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:37.7391] [ERROR] [Message] Unable to load DLL 'MG3lib.dll': Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) at NINA.MGEN3.MG3SDK.Create_MG3_Handle()
    at NINA.MGEN3.MG3SDK.PollDevice()
    at NINA.MGEN3.LoggingMG3SDK.PollDevice()
    at NINA.MGEN3.MGEN3.<>c__DisplayClass17_0.<<DetectAndOpen>b__0>d.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
    at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
    at NINA.Model.MyGuider.MGENGuider.<Connect>d__54.MoveNext()

    [2020-12-06T20:13:37.7451] [TRACE] [MemberName] Close
    [2020-12-06T20:13:37.7451] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA.MGEN\MGEN3\LoggingMG3SDK.cs
    [2020-12-06T20:13:37.7451] [TRACE] [Message] IMG3SDK - Calling Close

  41. Stefan B repo owner

    It’s strange as you confirmed that the file is there, but apparently the logic cannot find the file and i can’t reproduce this in my installation either.

  42. Kowalski K.

    I copied the MG3lib.dll now into different folders but it did not help. Can you tell me how exactly to connect to MGEN3? By choosing Equipment/Autoguider/”Lacerta MGEN-3 Autoguider”, or Equipment/Camera/MGEN.APP(ASCOM)?

    Do I also have do set up something in ASCOM Platform?

    Are you sure Lacerta doesn´t need to provide a firmware update for the MGEN as well?


  43. Stefan B repo owner

    I will add some logging to the dll initialization for the next version to identify the problem.
    Furthermore i could finally identify the x86 Problem and the next build also has this enabled there.

  44. Kowalski K.

    I updated Ascom and downloaded again newest Nina Nightly but it did not help. But what is strange on my PC it works.. (same windows 10), but on my Laptop still not..

  45. Stefan B repo owner

    Yea there were no changes on how the DLL is loaded itself, however there should be some log message now where the dll loader is looking for the DLL as well as the error code to why it is failing. Can you check your log again?

  46. Kowalski K.

    ----------------NINA - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy----------------

    -------------------Running NINA Version
    ----------------------ASCOM Platform Version 6.5----------------------
    ---------------------.NET Version 4.0.30319.42000---------------------
    ---------------------Oparating System Information---------------------
    ---------------------------Is 64bit OS True---------------------------
    ------------------------Is 64bit Process True-------------------------
    ---------------------------Platform Win32NT---------------------------
    --------------Version Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18363.0---------------
    ---------------------------Major 10 Minor 0---------------------------
    ----------------------------Service Pack -----------------------------

    [2020-12-08T15:27:51.3571] [ERROR] [MemberName] LoadDll
    [2020-12-08T15:27:51.3571] [ERROR] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA.MGEN\DllLoader.cs
    [2020-12-08T15:27:51.3571] [ERROR] [Message] DllLoader failed to load library C:\Program Files\N.I.N.A. - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy\External\x64\MGEN\MG3lib.dll due to error code 126

    [2020-12-08T15:28:13.9693] [TRACE] [MemberName] Save
    [2020-12-08T15:28:13.9693] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Profile\Profile.cs
    [2020-12-08T15:28:13.9693] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 08.12.2020 02:28:13.963; Stopped: 08.12.2020 02:28:13.969; Elapsed: 00:00:00.0148464

    [2020-12-08T15:28:13.9693] [TRACE] [MemberName] Save
    [2020-12-08T15:28:13.9693] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Profile\ProfileService.cs
    [2020-12-08T15:28:13.9693] [TRACE] [Message] Start: 08.12.2020 02:28:13.963; Stopped: 08.12.2020 02:28:13.969; Elapsed: 00:00:00.0158470

    [2020-12-08T15:28:24.7397] [TRACE] [MemberName] PollDevice
    [2020-12-08T15:28:24.7397] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA.MGEN\MGEN3\LoggingMG3SDK.cs
    [2020-12-08T15:28:24.7397] [TRACE] [Message] IMG3SDK - Calling PollDevice

    [2020-12-08T15:28:24.8399] [ERROR] [MemberName] Connect
    [2020-12-08T15:28:24.8399] [ERROR] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Model\MyGuider\MGENGuider.cs
    [2020-12-08T15:28:24.8399] [ERROR] [Message] Unable to load DLL 'MG3lib.dll': Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) at NINA.MGEN3.MG3SDK.Create_MG3_Handle()
    at NINA.MGEN3.MG3SDK.PollDevice()
    at NINA.MGEN3.LoggingMG3SDK.PollDevice()
    at NINA.MGEN3.MGEN3.<>c__DisplayClass17_0.<<DetectAndOpen>b__0>d.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
    at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
    at NINA.Model.MyGuider.MGENGuider.<Connect>d__54.MoveNext()

    [2020-12-08T15:28:24.8399] [TRACE] [MemberName] Close
    [2020-12-08T15:28:24.8399] [TRACE] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA.MGEN\MGEN3\LoggingMG3SDK.cs
    [2020-12-08T15:28:24.8399] [TRACE] [Message] IMG3SDK - Calling Close

  47. Dale Ghent

    Can you describe any anti-virus present on your computer? I’m wondering if that is silently interfering with NINA’s ability to load this library file. If you are running something more than Windows' own Defender anti-virus, could you try disabling it temporarily to see if that changes the situation?

  48. Stefan B repo owner

    So yea the dll fails to load. Error 126 can have multiple causes, but the most common one is that the dll is just not there

    [2020-12-08T15:27:51.3571] [ERROR] [MemberName] LoadDll
    [2020-12-08T15:27:51.3571] [ERROR] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA.MGEN\DllLoader.cs
    [2020-12-08T15:27:51.3571] [ERROR] [Message] DllLoader failed to load library C:\Program Files\N.I.N.A. - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy\External\x64\MGEN\MG3lib.dll due to error code 126

  49. Kowalski K.

    No I have only Windows defender which I also deactivated for some minutes. The MG3lib.dll is in the MGEN folder..

    Its quite frustrating..

    Pls don´t hesitate to share when you have any ideas


  50. Kowalski K.

    Could you send me the MG3lib.dll to: ?

    I heard error code 126 could mean ““corrupt .dll files” So. i am not sure my .dll is ok..


  51. Vigo79

    I tried it today and it connected very well. MGEN 3 Firmware is 1.04

    Cant test more because we had a lot of clouds 🙂

  52. Kowalski K.

    Thanks. It didn´t help.. 😞

    Maybe I should uninstall nina completely, and then re-install, but then I fear to lose all my settings.

    Is there a folder or “save file” I could keep which saves all the individual settings?

  53. Dale Ghent

    Through the mechanism that Windows provides for any installed application: Start > Settings > Apps, select NINA and press the uninstall button.

  54. PL Cheng

    I got the similar issue, too. I checked that the MG3lib.dll is in the MGEN folder.

    Besides, I don’t have the disk E, neither the directory E:\Projects\nina\

    ----------------NINA - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy----------------
    -------------------Running NINA Version
    ----------------------ASCOM Platform Version 6.5----------------------
    ---------------------.NET Version 4.0.30319.42000---------------------
    ---------------------Oparating System Information---------------------
    ---------------------------Is 64bit OS True---------------------------
    ------------------------Is 64bit Process True-------------------------
    ---------------------------Platform Win32NT---------------------------
    --------------Version Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19042.0---------------
    ---------------------------Major 10 Minor 0---------------------------
    ----------------------------Service Pack -----------------------------

    [2020-12-14T23:45:58.9673] [ERROR] [MemberName] LoadDll
    [2020-12-14T23:45:58.9673] [ERROR] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA.MGEN\DllLoader.cs
    [2020-12-14T23:45:58.9673] [ERROR] [Message] DllLoader failed to load library C:\Program Files\N.I.N.A. - Nighttime Imaging 'N' Astronomy\External\x64\MGEN\MG3lib.dll due to error code 126

    [2020-12-14T23:46:20.4486] [ERROR] [MemberName] Connect
    [2020-12-14T23:46:20.4486] [ERROR] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\Model\MyGuider\MGENGuider.cs
    [2020-12-14T23:46:20.4486] [ERROR] [Message] Unable to load DLL 'MG3lib.dll': 找不到指定的模組。 (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) at NINA.MGEN3.MG3SDK.Create_MG3_Handle()
    at NINA.MGEN3.MG3SDK.PollDevice()
    at NINA.MGEN3.LoggingMG3SDK.PollDevice()
    at NINA.MGEN3.MGEN3.<>c__DisplayClass17_0.<<DetectAndOpen>b__0>d.MoveNext()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
    at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
    at NINA.Model.MyGuider.MGENGuider.<Connect>d__54.MoveNext()

    [2020-12-14T23:54:39.7214] [INFO] [MemberName] Disconnect
    [2020-12-14T23:54:39.7214] [INFO] [FileName] E:\Projects\nina\NINA\ViewModel\Equipment\Focuser\FocuserVM.cs
    [2020-12-14T23:54:39.7214] [INFO] [Message] Disconnected Focuser

  55. Stefan B repo owner

    Maybe the appropriate VCRedist is missing for the dll. Try to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package and check if the dll can then be loaded.

  56. Kowalski K.

    I can connect now after installing the “Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package”!

    Can´t NINA bring it automatically with each new NINA update?

    Or at least look for it and give a message when not installed?

  57. Stefan B repo owner

    NINA can do a lot of things, once we know what to look for. We just identified today that this particular redistributable is required. The application already ships the vcredist 2017-2020 and i didn’t expected that this dll is compiled with that rather old one.

  58. PL Cheng

    Thanks! Stefan B
    It really works after installing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package 🙂

  59. Kowalski K.

    Thanks Stefan for your effort and your hint with the “Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package”. You do a very good job!

    Stay healthy and all the best for you

  60. Mariusz Barnas

    Thank you Stefan.

    I have same problem to connect NINA x64 and MGEN3-(MG3lib.dll) on my Windows laptop. Now I gonna try install “Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package”. 🙂

    So, after installed Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package I can connect MGEN3 with NINA 🙂

  61. Kowalski K.

    MGEN-3 has launched the new firmware 1.05

    Did someone check if it is still working with NINA without problems?

  62. CCD1024

    yes, 1.05 seems to work with NINA. Bad weather didn’t allow me to fully test the Mgen3 in real condition under NINA but firmware 1.04 and 1.05 still allow to be connected to NINA

    As there are several change in the firmware, the best is to reset settings on Mgen3.

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