Framing wizard focal length value should be saved and loaded with the profile

Issue #541 resolved
Ara Jerahian created an issue


The framing wizard has a focal length field even when the scope's focal length is already defined in the settings. I understand this is for testing different framing. Moreover, the framing wizard focal length is NOT saved with the profile, so I've been bitten by not realizing this and having my framing window be a different size and therefore framing the target differently.

Suggested Solution

Save the focal length value entered in the framing wizard with the profile, so when a profile is changed, the saved framing wizard focal length is reloaded.

Comments (4)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    On switching of profiles the focal length set inside the telescope settings should be loaded instead.

    Switching the focal length in framing is possible and won’t affect the profile settings (e.g. when you want to try out different setups without any impact)

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    Fix Issue #541 - Switching profiles will load pixel size and focal length of that profile. Furthermore on image loading the focal length and pixel size of the meta data will be used if available to solve the image.

    → <<cset d75451ee2c3c>>

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Merged in bugfix/framingparameter (pull request #572)

    Fix Issue #541 - Switching profiles will load pixel size and focal length of that profile.

    • Fix Issue #541 - Switching profiles will load pixel size and focal length of that profile. Furthermore on image loading the focal length and pixel size of the meta data will be used if available to solve the image.

    → <<cset 7341a2538681>>

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    Merged in bugfix/framingparameter (pull request #572)

    Fix Issue #541 - Switching profiles will load pixel size and focal length of that profile.

    • Fix Issue #541 - Switching profiles will load pixel size and focal length of that profile. Furthermore on image loading the focal length and pixel size of the meta data will be used if available to solve the image.

    → <<cset 7341a2538681>>

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