1.11 Nightly: Frequent Exception on telescope driver

Issue #638 duplicate
Ruediger created an issue

While testing 1.11 it repeating crashes on ASCOM Telescope Simulator driver during different action, like editing sequence.Also on other telescope drivers. Same as 1.10.

Already re-installed ASCOM 6.5 but no solution.

Comments (31)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    We are not sure what the root cause of this problem is. No one in the community or any of the contributors have this problem and could reproduce it, especially not with the simulators.
    Due to the inability to reproduce this by anyone I think this is not a NINA issue, but rather something wrong with the ASCOM platform or windows settings.

  2. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Stefan, I doubt is a duplicate since the error message is different.

    Please advise how to narrow down the problem, since I had uninstalled and reinstalled complete ASCOM framework. So from my point of few I cannot do more. Thx!

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    The errors inside the logs are basically the same errors as shown in the screenshot. Therefore i have marked it as duplicate.

    Overall it looks like some ASCOM driver issues, especially when looking at the following error log, that is directly coming from the driver:
    [2020-10-25T18:23:47.1076] [ERROR] [Message] Property SiteLongitude The property value is out of range at ASCOM.DriverAccess.MemberFactory.CallMember(Int32 memberCode, String memberName, Type[] parameterTypes, Object[] parms) in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\MemberFactory.cs:line 287
    at ASCOM.DriverAccess.Telescope.get_SiteLongitude() in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.DriverAccess\Telescope.cs:line 948
    at NINA.Model.MyTelescope.AscomTelescope.get_SiteLongitude()
    at NINA.Model.MyTelescope.AscomTelescope.<Connect>b__213_0()

  4. Ruediger reporter

    Thanks Stefan for explaining.

    I have completely removed all ASCOM drivers and ASCOM framework. Pruned the registry from remanentes. Also all files on disk. Then reinstalled everything.

    I will continue testing. Thanks!

  5. Ruediger reporter

    Hello Stefan,

    reinstalled from scratch inclusive all drivers, but problem also persist with .13 nightly.

  6. Stefan B repo owner

    Are you running in some kind of VM or something or is it just a standard windows machine?

  7. Stefan B repo owner

    I don’t know what the problem is you are facing, but it is not on the application layer. The error thrown is a COM error (RPC_E_CANTCALLOUT_ININPUTSYNCCALL). NINA isn’t doing anything on the COM level but ASCOM is and the error is coming out of there. You should take this issue to the ASCOM group instead in my opinion.

  8. Stefan B repo owner

    That is just a cancellation. Maybe you cancelled the sequence for a moment and this is logged (incorrectly) as an error.

  9. Stefan B repo owner

    Which always, in all logs, happens at the same time as the com errors. This leads to the conclusion that a com error happens, the telescope returns some garbage value and this results in an arithmetic overflow exception in nina.

  10. Ruediger reporter

    Hello Stefan,

    I have tested .19 Nightly with only ASCOM devices connected and it is also crashing. So ist cannot be any specific driver from a hardware vendor. It is pure ASCOM and this was reinstellend completely from the scratch.

    I have attached the log, but it is the same error. But now we can exclude any vendor’s driver flaw.

  11. Ruediger reporter

    Since many other APPs work flawless via ASCOM, this error only appears with NINA and a clean re-install of ASCOM was made, it becomes more and more likely that there is something within NINA which causes that hick-up though it seams not to impact everyone. Looks like some wired combination.

  12. Dale Ghent

    Are you running ASCOM 6.5 or the current release candidate of ASCOM 6.5sp1 ? Because the RC of 6.5sp1 still claims to be “6.5”, it’s impossible to tell from your logs which exact version you are running. Would you consider updating your ASCOM installation to 6.5sp1 (release candidate) and seeing if this issue persists? It is important to update to this version, per the ASCOM developers.


  13. Ruediger reporter
    1. Screenshot: Please find attached screenshot of Simulator Setup (also happens with real gear attached)
    2. Problems were unter 6.4, 6.5 and 6.5 SP1 which is currently installed.

    Thank you all for helping!



  14. Stefan B repo owner

    Marked as duplicate, as the ascom problems seem to be just a follow up issue caused by the other one

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