Nightly: 21: Unhandled Exception without any device connected after some inactive time

Issue #700 resolved
Ruediger created an issue

Hello all,

I open a a new issue since the problem is definitely not ASCOM related. NINA runs into unhandled exception even without any connected device and without any activity in the application and the error message is identical to reported issue 638.

I think it is now clear, that something within NINA is going wrong.


Comments (34)

  1. Ruediger reporter

    I have multimonitor (4x24”, 1x21”), but the exception happens without user interaction. No problems with other .net Apps.
    So this linked issue is something different.
    here the .net info:

    C:\Users\Ruediger>dotnet --info
    It was not possible to find any installed .NET Core SDKs
    Did you mean to run .NET Core SDK commands? Install a .NET Core SDK from:

    Host (useful for support):
    Version: 3.1.4
    Commit: 0c2e69caa6

    .NET Core SDKs installed:
    No SDKs were found.

    .NET Core runtimes installed:
    Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.1.4 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App]
    Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 3.1.4 [C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App]

  2. Ruediger reporter

    I also checked the windows logs whether I see another error around this time. No issue, no warnings.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    The linked issue is not about .net in general but about windows presentation foundation. This is the UI Framework in use.

    Are your two monitors arranged like in the issue description? And does it happen with only one monitor attached? Just want to rule out stuff.

  4. Stefan B repo owner

    Please try out if having only one monitor with nina will still produce this error. Having 5 monitors on an imaging system is rare and if that is the reason for this error would explain why no one else so far had this issue.

  5. Ruediger reporter

    To be honest, I would try to avoid this test, because the complete multiscreen configuration gets lost (windows mixes everything up). When re-plugging the screens you will start over. This will probably end up in restoring an image for the workstation.

    Just one note: Old NINA versions and other .net APPs run flawless on this multiscreen solution.

  6. Stefan B repo owner

    Yea the problem here is, if this is a WPF bug there is not much I can do. And the stack trace is not looking like anything nina related, as it only shows .net and wpf internals

  7. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Stefan,
    here a brief update: I have been running NINA for 6 hours now. Only a dry run with ASCOM and no clicking, but so far no crash.
    I have the slight hope, that the driver update has improved the situation.

    Cheers Rüdiger

  8. Ruediger reporter

    Bad news. Ran a sequence with ASCOM simulators and it crashed. Same error, but I attached log anyway.

  9. Ruediger reporter

    Yes, SetPoint is installed. I have tried to trigger this event but even sending a horizontal scroll did not trigger the exception.

    1. I will update SetPoint
    2. if 1 is not working, I will uninstall it.

    Here the hardware:

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9800X CPU @ 3.80GHz
    RAM: 64 GB
    Video: Radeon RX 590 Series

    • RAMDiskVE (Temp Folder)
    • Samsung SSD 860 EVO 1TB (Data)
    • Samsung SSD 860 EVO 2TB (NINA images)
    • Samsung SSD 970 PRO 512GB (System)
    • Samsung SSD 970 PRO 512GB (Program)
    • WDC WD6003FZBX-00K5WB0 (Archive)

  10. Stefan B repo owner

    I can also try to include that workaround that is posted in this topic and provide you a custom exe to test with in the next days.

    At least this sounds like it could potentially be related then.

  11. Stefan B repo owner

    The attached file is based on 1.11 Build 22 x64 It contains the suggested workaround that is in the linked visualstudio post. Backup your old exe and replace it with this one and let's check if this prevents this problem

  12. Ruediger reporter

    Thanks! Downloaded and installed. I will run longer test tomorrow, since it is quite late here GMT+1.
    So far looks good. Can start it and load the profiles.

    Also updated Logitech.

    Again: Many thanks!

  13. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Stefan,
    after 10 hours running a looping sequence with hundreds of exposures (ASCOM simulators) there was not a single exception displayed. Neither with manual interaction, nor running untended. It looks like that this version is much more robust.

    Should I see in the log any indication that the culprit exception occurred again, but was captured by the added code?

    Of course, this is not a prove of evidence, but it seems something has improved. This is the longest time NINA ever ran. Is it possible to add this fix to normal development branch? Or does it impact other users?

    Thank you!


  14. Stefan B repo owner

    That sounds promising

    I haven’t put in any log to identify if that issue ocurred, however putting that piece of code into the main code line is not a problem at all and i will do so for the next nightly. Hopefully this is fixed now with that workaround! What an annoying problem!

  15. Stefan B repo owner

    putting it to resolved with fingers crossed.

    If the problem happens again, please reopen for further investigation.

  16. Ruediger reporter

    That’s fine. NINA ist still running wo crash. I also keep my fingers crossed, but it looks really promising.

    If I got i it right, I can continue to update to the next nightly since they contain this work around onwards. Right?

    Cheers Rüdiger

  17. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Stefan,

    I did a 14 hour session with NINA .24 and a complex sequence with two target was successfully processed unattended and no exception occurred. It looks like the problem got solved by the fix.

    Thanks again!


  18. Ruediger reporter

    Hi Stefan,

    we can consider the problem to be solved in fact. I had a 48 hours continuous run without a single exception. The bug is crushed 🙂
    Many thanks for your support.


  19. Stefan B repo owner

    Thank you for the feedback. Really looks like this was the root cause and some bug in the WPF framework. Gladly this could be worked around.

  20. Ruediger reporter

    Thanks a lot for all your efforts.
    Just got reply from my Baader contact. They will forward the link to the SW developer in expectations they will also read and follow the updates here.

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