Autofocus on relative focusers

Issue #797 closed
Javier Villarreal created an issue

Hello. Are you considering adding support for autofocusing with relative focusers?.

I have a Rigel Systems nStep focuser on my C11, i have used FocusMax with some success, it seems to draw the curves just fine, you just have to start from a well focused star.

Or do you think i can make it work?.

thank you so much.

Comments (8)

  1. Dale Ghent

    The nStep is capable of running in Absolute mode. Is this not possible for some reason? This appears to be covered on page 5 of the nStep manual: downloads/wifi-nFOCUS.pdf

    As for truly relative-only focuser systems, these are typically not stepper-based systems and are not very suitable for the the purposes of astrophotography, so supporting them has not been a priority.

  2. Stefan B repo owner

    In 1.11 it is already possible to connect to relative focusers. an arbitrary initial position of 5000 is assumed and then an absolute focuser is simulated according to the relative movement.

  3. Javier Villarreal

    Hello Stefan and Dale,

    Quick question, i tried to use my Rigel nStep focuser yesterday but i did not see the option on the focuser lists. I’m using GCUSB_nSTEP #2 ASCOM driver, should i see the option on the focuser list or should i choose the “Generic” or “POTH” one?. thank you so much,

  4. Dale Ghent

    I don’t know, I am not a user of this focuser or its driver. It should show up in the list if the focuser driver is installed correctly. If you are running a 64bit installation of NINA, the driver must also be 64bit compatible. You may wish to refer to Rigel Systems for support regarding their software and drivers.

  5. Javier Villarreal

    Hello Dale, thanks for your quick reply, and you’ve given me a couple of ideas, maybe i’m using an old driver which is not 64bit compatible. thanks so much again.

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