QHY8PRO show sensor type "monochrome"

Issue #841 closed
tzynodi created an issue

I use QHY8PRO camera with its sensor type shows “Monochrome“. So i cant get RGB photo in the image tab, and i can not use plate solving and auto focus.

My NINA version is 1.11 NIGHTLY #065

My QHY8PRO SDK version is 20-8-26-3.

MY QHY8PRO native driver version is V10-11-8


1.connect QHY8PRO to NINA using native driver.

2.take a snapshot in the image tab.

3.now u can see a gray photo.


QHY8PRO sensor type should not be monochrome. And the photo it take need to debyer.

Comments (6)

  1. Dale Ghent

    The QHY SDK that is included with NINA 1.11 #65 is not 20-8-26-3. It is 21-3-13. Are you manually putting this old version in place or are you overwriting NINA’s version with the QHY driver installer? If so, you should not do that.

    Please go to Windows Settings → Apps → N.I.N.A and select the Repair option to put the proper SDK back in place first.

  2. tzynodi reporter

    yeah, i have tried the latest version but it not work, so i find the issue#622 and manually overwrite the sdk. but it still not work.

  3. Dale Ghent

    The native driver in NINA gets information about the camera from the SDK, so it may be a bug with the QHY SDK and this camera model. I would contact QHY and ask that they specify the correct bayer matrix type for this model in the SDK.

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