Troubles dragging an instruction within a sequence

Issue #842 resolved
Armando Beneduce created an issue


Troubles dragging an instruction within a sequence. The “Insert instruction below” red line is buggy.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Start from an empty advanced sequence
  • Add an instruction set - let’s call it “A”
  • Add a nested instruction set - let’s call it “B”
  • Add a (cool camera) instruction into B
  • Try to move the instruction out from B block but still within A block

Expected behaviour

The “Insert instruction below” red line, shown to help the user while dragging an instruction, should appear within A block and after B block when the user tries to move the instruction keeping it within the A block.

Actual behaviour

The “Insert instruction below” red line never appears within A block AND after B block.

Comments (6)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    I am able to reproduce the issue given the provided steps. Unfortunately I haven’t found the root cause in the code yet.

  2. Armando Beneduce reporter

    In 3.0 the issue doesn’t occur. I didn' check with 2.1. Maybe it has been solved.

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