Imaging UI layout are not saved by profiles created by user

Issue #935 closed
John H. created an issue

I’ve created a series of profiles for different cameras, scopes, locations, etc… so that I will be able to choose the appropriate one that suit my need. For each of the profiles created, I’ve also setup different UI layout in the Imaging tab. For example, if I am using an OSC, the Imaging UI layout would not have not a Filter Wheel window/box as there’s no need for it.

I think there is a bug in the software because I’ve lost all the custom UI layout for each of the profiles I’ve created. Instead, if u are to switch one profile to another, you will end up with the default UI layout in the Imaging tab.

Is this normal behavior of NINA? If so, can it be enhanced so that all the custom UI layout could be saved in each of the profiles created?


PS: BTW, NINA is an awesome piece of software and far superior than many of the commercial imaging software out there 🙂 Kudos to you folks to make this possible !

Comments (7)

  1. Stefan B repo owner


    in the 1.11 Nightlies the imaging layout is stored per profile. In previous versions they were globally stored.

  2. John H. reporter

    Yes, it is supposed to do that for each profile (I have 3 profiles created) but it is not doing so. I am using 1.11 Nighty #154 at the moment…

    Here’s what I have… I’ve created 3 profiles (A, B, C). Each of the profiles have completely different UI layout. When I opened up NINA for the first time, it prompts me for the profile to be loaded (say I choose profile B ). While in NINA, I goto Options and switched to profile C. Once it has been switched to profile C (which has a different UI layout than B BTW), the Imaging UI layout resets to the default UI layout; not the customized layout which I’ve designed initially.

    Based on my experimentation, I don’t think NINA saved my customized UI layout properly when I created those 3 profiles. Instead, it may have saved the default UI layout for each of the profiles.

  3. Stefan B repo owner

    Did you customize the UI for each profile individually?
    I can’t reproduce the reported behavior. When you adjust the layout for one profile, then switch to a second profile and adjust the layout there it will not affect the other profile and it will also not load the other profile’s layout initally. So once the app is closed after having those two profile layouts customized they should be then loaded again when loading each profile respectively.

  4. John H. reporter

    I’ve created a quick screen capture video of what I am trying to illustrate. Could you please provide me with an email address that I could send this video to? I’ve also updated NINA to the latest Nightly update version prior to creating this video. Thanks.

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