Aberration Inspector: window resize does not change scaling percentage + zoom behavior before resize

Issue #995 resolved
Juergen G created an issue

[x] Is the issue reproducible?
[x] Are all prerequisites that are mentioned inside the manual met?

Which Version are you running? - 2.0 BETA006


Issue 1:

When first opening Aberration inspector, zooming with the mouse wheel resizes the Aberration inspector window.
If the Aberration window is resized at least once, zooming with the mouse wheel does not resize the window - window size stays fixed and scrollbars appear. Intended?

Issue 2:

Opening Aberration inspector and resizing/enlarging the window does not change the scaling percentage. Scaling percentage can be updated by clicking e.g. the “1:1” button.

Steps to Reproduce

Issue 1:

  • In Imaging tab: Take a picture (e.g. with Simulator Camera), so aberration inspector is enabled
  • Press aberration inspector button
  • Scroll mouse wheel in aberration inspector so picture gets enlarged
  • Window will also enlarge until some limit is reached (probably screen size?)
  • Scrolling back to shrink the image also only works to a certain size

Issue 2:

  • Step 1+2 as before
  • Resize the aberration inspector by dragging the window edges
  • Image enlarges but scale percentage stays at e.g. 100%

Expected behaviour

Issue 1:

I would have expected, that always when zooming in, scrollbars appear. As it is the case after resizing the window once.

Issue 2:

Scale percentage changes as Image is enlarged with the window.

Actual behaviour

see Description

Comments (3)

  1. Stefan B repo owner

    Aberration inspector no longer pops up a new window but is instead a toggleable button and replaces the image itself. This also allows for looping exposures and keeping the inspector updated. Also fixes Issue #995

    → <<cset 926cb4539b33>>

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