Sometimes two blocks are placed at once when in regular build mode

Issue #22 resolved
Former user created an issue


Having an issue with standard building mode when Effortless Building is installed. Sometimes, blocks will double-place, as shown in this clip below:

I can confirm this does not happen with other build modes, and only occurs when Effortless Building is installed - removing the mod fixes this issue. It also happens in both survival and creative modes.

Versions: Forge

Effortless Building 1.0.2



Comments (3)

  1. Requios repo owner

    Introduced a fix similar to issue #16, but for placing instead of breaking. I do not place the first block in the array anymore when increased reach is not active.

    Again, was only able to recreate it in 2.3, not 1.0.2.

  2. Requios repo owner

    Fixed issue #21: "Placement Exceeds Your Reach" message displays when a block is placed in survival with 0 range upgrades. Fixed issue #22: Sometimes two blocks are placed at once when in regular build mode. Fixed mouse clicks in Modifier Settings sometimes being in the wrong place. Fixed typing in multiple text fields at once. Added diagonal line, wall, slope floor and cube icons. Added undo, redo, replace and 'open modifier settings' buttons. (Only last 2 work for now).

    → <<cset 2d45b1e57472>>

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