Crash after destorying blocks with hand

Issue #5 resolved
Former user created an issue

Comments (2)

  1. Requios repo owner

    I managed to replicate it by breaking leaves and by extension (through array or mirror) trying to break stone. The blockstate from the leaves was incorrectly used to make a new breakevent for array synergy purposes. This was solved by getting the blockstate of the new position using the world. Resolved in version 0.3.2, which will be uploaded later today.

  2. Requios repo owner

    Moved all rendering code to RenderHelper to resolve #3 Crash on stand alone server startup. Made sure getBuildSettings never returns null to resolve #4 Client Crash W/ OpenBlocks. Now compatible with block placers and breakers from OpenBlocks (even the Randomizer Bag works in the placer). Fixed the breakEvent in mirror for array synergy to use the blockstate of the new position. Resolves #5 Crash after destorying blocks with hand.

    → <<cset c2e29419cac7>>

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