Offline activation

Issue #427 resolved
Peter Lin created an issue

Comments (57)

  1. Peter Lin reporter

    Scott, I found a temporary solution to re-activate my license on the same Corporate laptop. I used a RJ45 cable to connect my laptop with a LAN of a subsidy of the company, and it connected to the validation server successfully. However this LAN connection will be merged or removed soon due to the acquisition.

    It seems that I will have at least another month of happy coding experience with IC until the LAN is merged or the next re-validation of license, as I got about twice re-validation notices (blocked the entire IDE before the #396 was fixed) about every 30 days.

    I am looking forward to the releasing of the offline activation feature after the V38 features have been released. :)

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, on Monday I will be releasing a new version that will allow significantly longer periods between server checks (90 days vs. 30 days). I've also been working with the developer of the licensing software to make sure that my implementation complies with expected best practices. I won't likely be getting to offline activation right after v38, but you also shouldn't need to check in with the licensing servers nearly as often either.

  3. Peter Lin reporter

    Thank you Scott for taking a great care of my challenges! Oh! 90 days is much longer than 30 days! Thanks again!

  4. Peter Lin reporter

    I would also like to share some related details.

    I recently managed to get the proxy setting from IT and put it in IDEA, and it helps me a lot except the licensing validation.

    Before setting proxy. Office on corporate network: IC disconnected, with connection to Corporate Lync and Exchange Server. Office on cell phone hotspot or other network: IC connected, without connection to Corporate Lync and Exchange Server.

    Home network with VPN: IC disconnected, with connection to Corporate Lync and Exchange Server. Home network without VPN: IC connected, without connection to Corporate Lync and Exchange Server.

    So I have to disconnect Corporate Network both in the office and at home in order to use IC to connect to Salesforce.

    After setting the Proxy. I can use IC while I connect with the Corporate network both in office and at home.

    It is so good for me now!

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Glad to hear, Peter! I'll definitely help you work through those last few remaining challenges one way or the other, though.

  6. Peter Lin reporter

    Hi Scott,

    I would like to share with you that I have taken your great offer of 90 days usage before validation by dis-activate and reactivate the license as this screenshot. (I again used a special LAN to do this special task as I have mentioned above.)


    Thank you again for your kindly consideration and the 90-days arrangement!

  7. Peter Lin reporter

    Oh, if I do not have this special LAN to use, I will still need the offline activation.

    And after this LAN is shut down or merged, I will really need the offline activation.

    However, I have at least 90 days worry free to enjoy using this wonderful IC.

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, is this presenting a new issue for you, or are you just looking at the differences in behavior in the newest version vs. in past versions?

  9. Peter Lin reporter

    Scott, there is no new issue I have found.

    I would just like to share that I saw different error message windows when I was facing the same issue that the IC cannot connect to the validation server as the screenshot below. So I guessed that you have changed the way presenting a new different error message window for the same issue.

    IC version


    IC version


  10. Scott Wells repo owner

    Gotcha. Yeah, has significantly better error (and exceptional condition) handling for licensing, both because of the updated third-party version and because of the way I've structured the IC logic around it. You should now get more detailed information when anything happens vs. the previous "failed to contact license validation servers" message and much better opportunities to correct the situation when possible.

  11. Peter Lin reporter

    Scott, my special RJ45 LAN with access to was disconnected last Friday. I hope that within about 90 days there will be some good solution. Thank you!

  12. Peter Lin reporter

    Scott, Do you use the System setting - HTTP Proxy (screenshot below) to connect to for validating licenses?


    After using this System HTTP Proxy setting, I no longer need to disconnect from corporate network in order to connect to Salesforce Orgs using IC.

    Thank you! Peter

  13. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, license validation also uses the configured proxy as long as it's manually configured. It doesn't currently support auto-detect proxy configuration. Hopefully that will resolve this problem for you altogether.

  14. Peter Lin reporter

    Scott, I use the configured proxy as manually configured. It doesn't work. (Everything else works, except

    May I put something like below and check the idea.log and see how IC connecting through my corporate network?


    Thanks, Peter

  15. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, if you want details on how it's connecting to the licensing servers, add the following:


    Note that it will not work with an automatic proxy...the proxy must be manually/explicitly configured for licensing.

  16. Peter Lin reporter

    Great, Thanks. I only use manually configured Proxy setting as the previous screenshot I attached on 2016-11-26.

  17. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, I just added the test build back to #509. Please give it a shot and let me know whether it helps address some of your connectivity issues.

  18. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yes, I'm hoping to get that in quite soon. For what it's worth, I can actually do it now, but it's not as integrated as I'd prefer. I did help another user perform an offline activation just the other week, though.

  19. Peter Lin reporter

    Great! Once my current license requires a re-validation about in March, 90 days from last re-validation, you will for sure do the same (perform an offline activation) for me, correct? :) Thank you in advance!

    It is good to know that I am not the only one asking for the offline activation.

  20. Scott Wells repo owner

    Adding to for consideration but not necessarily implementation. This will be included in a near-term release, though.

  21. Peter Lin reporter

    Thank you so much, Scott! I cannot wait to try it. I have sent you the Offline activation request. How can I get the Offline activation response? Thanks again! Peter

  22. Scott Wells repo owner

    I just checked in a final version of this feature for inclusion in the next official build.

  23. Peter Lin reporter
    • changed status to open

    Hi Scott, Sorry to reopen this issue. My colleague saw this screenshot when she first installed the IC. The IC doesn't provide a window or a button to start the Offline Activation. Instead, the IC dis-activate itself and force the IDEA to restart. I myself can see the "Offline Activation" button, probably because I have activated IC previously. Could you help the first time installer without good network connection to the licensing server like my colleague? Thanks again, Peter


  24. Peter Lin reporter

    Hi Scott, Is it possible to show an "Offline Activation..." button in addition to the "Retry" and "Cancel" button of above error window when someone installs IC plugin the very first time with machines that cannot make direct connections to the licensing server? This error window was triggered before IDEA showing the About Tab on the IC standard UI. Thank you, Peter

  25. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hey, Peter. I can definitely do something here. What I'll most likely do is catch that exception and display a message saying that it was unable to contact the licensing servers instead of showing the Retry/Cancel dialog. In that screen it's only trying to contact the licensing server to show the current license status. I'll include that in the next build which will likely be early next week, though if the user needs an earlier build with that change to get the product activated, let me know and I can post one here in advance.

  26. Peter Lin reporter

    Thank you so much, Scott! Please post the pre-release build here when it is available, as my colleague can only use IC at home, but not in the office now. Thanks again! Peter

  27. Scott Wells repo owner

    Simonas, here's a build that will hopefully allow you to get to the offline activation feature. I haven't tried to mess with my network to limit access to the licensing servers (if this doesn't work, I'll do that next), but I did try to simulate it in another manner. Instead of the "Connection to the servers failed. Retry/Cancel" dialog, you should see a license status of "Connection to the servers failed" and have access to the various license management action buttons now.

    To install this, download the attached zip file, then from within IntelliJ IDEA go into Settings>Plugins and click Install plugin from disk. Choose the downloaded zip file and allow the IDE to restart.

    If this doesn't work for you, please email your latest idea.log and I'll need to set up my network to simulate yours more accurately so that I can work through the corner cases.

  28. Peter Lin reporter

    Thank you, Scott!

    We can successfully reach the first screenshot below. When we clicked on the Generate button on the second window, it showed error as the third and fourth screenshots below.

    OfflineActivationError01.png OfflineActivationError02.png OfflineActivationError03.png OfflineActivationError04.png

  29. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, can you see whether or not this works as expected in which I've just released?

  30. Peter Lin reporter

    Thank you, Scott! My colleague has tried it with me together using the version, but we've got the same error as the message I posted above on June 6.

  31. Peter Lin reporter

    Scott, my colleague was unable to even start the 30-day evaluation. The screenshots I posted on May 23 and June 6 were all captured on the Windows laptop with the first time installation of IntelliJ IDEA UE and IC, but without official IC license code. Thank you, Scott, again!

  32. Peter Lin reporter

    Thank you, Scott. My colleague has activated successfully after you provided a code and the response code of the Offline Activation on June 16.

  33. Peter Lin reporter

    Scott, As of IC version, which one of the statement is true if someone's computer doesn't have direct connection to the license validation server.

    1. The person needs to send you an email requesting a code for Office Activation, IC will not automatically activate a 30-day evaluation.
    2. IC will automatically activate a 30-day evaluation without any email request to your support email address.

    If the first statement is true, is it possible for to support activating a 30-day evaluation automatically?

    Thank you for your great IC.

  34. Scott Wells repo owner

    Peter, it turns out that there's a gap in my work here where I also need to support offline trial initiation. That's why we had to do a workaround the other week with a trial extension license key. I'm planning to fill in that gap, but not likely until after TrailheaDX next week. Do you have other users in your company who are hitting the same issue now? If so I can help them with the same type of workaround.

  35. Peter Lin reporter

    Thank you, Scott, again! We don't have any new user who is hitting the same issue now. Please enjoy the TrailheaDX. :)

  36. Peter Lin reporter

    Scott, I found that the "re-certify" Offline Activation was so smooth and NICE! Like it very much!! It works great behind a corporate firewall! Thanks a lot!!!

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