Clone wikiPOPStarter Documentation & Stuff / multi-disc
Swap disc feature
You can now play multi-discs games with POPS.
1. Create a DISCS.TXT text file containing the file names of your VCDs, one file name per line (with VCD extension) ;
DISCS.TXT line 1 = disc 1 DISCS.TXT line 2 = disc 2 DISCS.TXT line 3 = disc 3 DISCS.TXT line 4 = disc 4
Example :
MGS_CD1.VCD MGS_CD2.VCD [Empty] [Empty]
2. Copy/paste this DISCS.TXT file to the VMC folders of ALL your game discs ;
3. When required by the game, open the lid using the hotkey ;
4. Insert the disc you want to load using the hotkey ;
5. Close the lid using the hotkey.
Hotkeys :
- To open the lid :
- To insert Disc 1 :
- To insert Disc 2 :
- To insert Disc 3 :
- To insert Disc 4 :
- To close the lid :
Limitations :
- Up to 4 file names in DISCS.TXT ;
- A file name must not exceed 89 characters ;
- The VCD files have to be in the same partition/folder ;
- If you have more than 4 lines in the DISCS.TXT file, the feature will not work.
Example of working setup :
DISCS.TXT content :
Notes :
- The swap disc feature is useful only if you must swap discs without any PS1 reboot. For the other games, you only need to swap the VMCs manually (copy/paste VMCs from VMC disc 1 folder to VMC disc 2 folder) – or you can use the “trick” below to avoid such a manipulation ;
- If your game has more than 4 discs, install the forth first ones, play them until disc 4, then uninstall discs 1, 2 and 3, and install disc 5, 6, 7…
- Does not work properly with all games ((not working with Final Fantasy IX and Grandia) ;
- Multi disc games combined to single VCDs still work, up to ~2GB per VCD.
Use a single pair of VMCs for multi-disc games :
You can use the VMCDIR.TXT file to use only 1 pair of VMCs for a multi-disc game. This VMCDIR.TXT must be placed into disc 1 and disc 2 VMC game folders. Read here to know more about the VMCDIR.TXT file (“Setting a path for the VMC folder” section).
Example :
DISCS.TXT content :
VMCDIR.TXT content (= CD1 VMC game folder) :
In this situation, disc 1 and disc 2 share the same VMC folder.
DISCS_POOPER is a little program that does the boring job for you.
- Download : here
How to use it :
1. Create a new folder ;
2. Drop the VCD files of your multic-disc game in it ;
3. Drop DISCS_POOPER.EXE in the folder and run it ;
DISCS_POOPER creates :
. A VMC folder for each VCD in the folder ;
. A DISCS.TXT inside each VMC folder ;
. A VMCDIR.TXT inside each VMC to use only a pair of VMC for this multi-disc game.
4. Move your VCD and VMC game folders to your POPS folder ;
5. Enjoy.
Limits :
. Doesn’t comply with 4 CDs limit of the swap disc feature (don’t use it with more than 4 VCDs) ;